Monday, December 24, 2012

simple bliss... The girlz stayed at my sister's house last night. (my dad did too) I got all of my last minute details finished up and the house cleaned. Yeah! This morning, I went to get the puppy. And Oh My Lord...She is 2 pounds. YES, 2 pounds. Her coat/jacket is way too big, but an extra small. Her pajamas fit thank goodness. My house tends to be drafty, so we keep them in it all the time. I presented the puppy by: bringing her down in our Bitty Baby crib, and I told the girlz I wanted to get rid of the crib. The girlz both said, "Nooo, let's keep it." Then I just put the crib down. The puppy is so small that they didn't notice her at first. Then they both noticed her and Anna burst into tears. (As I predicted, and told my mom ahead of time.) And I have heard a million times, that how happy the girlz are for their Christmas puppy. Her name is: Perrywinkle Mistletoe Green.................... Perry for short! Hope you all are having a great Eve. We are in our jammies and finished making cookies. And the truest Christmas miracle is that I have cooked all day. We will be in bed shortly and then mommy gets busy with playing Mrs. Santa.. Happy Eve and Happier Christmas!
This is my sister's million pound dog Oliver playing ever so gently with Perrywinkle1


Tina in CT said...

Love the way you gave the puppy to your daughters and the picture with your sister's big dog. Sounds like a perfect Christmas Eve. My advice is to get a crate as it's easier to housebreak using one.

Annie said...

Totally cute puppy! Aidan (my son) and his wife have a new pitbull mix pup who is also adorable...but - oh! - I would adopt 4 or 5 kids at once, and consider it an easy task compared to adopting a puppy. One thing I NEVER want to do again! So - good luck!