Thursday, December 27, 2012

Blame is All Around

Who can I blame for this crime against the littlest of souls?

Let's start with OUR government. So why choose Sergie Magnitsky to rally around. Why him? There is a load of money behind what he discovered, and more than likely it falls on our side to have had this guy's information...I mean come on, why didn't we step up when any number of high profile murders have occurred in Russia over the last decade..
So the Sergei Magnitsky Act denies visas to Russian officials involved in the prosecution and death of a Russian lawyer and whistle blower who called attention to alleged official corruption. Really? That is what the Russians are mad about? Unless they fear their entire government is somehow involved, (WHICH THEY ARE) why worry? Their pride and nationalism is really becoming extensive isn't it?
When Anna Politkovskaya was murdered for writing about Chechnya, why didn't we act?
And when the editor of Forbes Magazine, Russia was killed, why didn't move? Why? I will tell you. Because it didn't serve us at all. And why? Because although most people whisper that they know PutiPoot is behind many of these murders, most people aren't brave enough to say it loudly..And in America, we act only when it makes us money..So now, thank you very much to the committee that decided NOW is the time to act..You just stood up to Putipoot, and ya pissed him off. So now, he's going to cut his own nose to spite his face...And that happens by hurting his own orphans and the few families who are willing to pay the enormous fees to adopt them...

 if I can't blame our government, I move on to the guy in my very own part of the world who was soo unaffected by the adoption of his child that he put the infant in the car and went to work.. And yes, the child died of heat exposure. The law that is currently in play is called the Magnitsky-retaliation law in response to the case of  Miles Harrison of Purcellville, Va who was aquitted for leaving his poor baby in the car to die..I bet his fat ass didn't forget his breakfast that day. So what you are remorseful. So what you are sorry..Dumbass. So thank you very much for putting America on the map for being bad parents...

But maybe I will throw a little blame to the woman, Torry Ann Hansen, who acted with her own mother to put her adopted child on a plane alone to Moscow. TO RETURN HIM...Yes, there wasn't enough love there, so she sent him back. Thank you very much dumb ass. I would like to add a little giggle that she has to pay 150K for his child support..AS IF ANY ORPHAN in Russia is getting 150K worth of care from birth to 18..I giggle again because she is paying for her mistakes, literally..

I have to throw some blame at the agencies, and "regional coordinators" who have made millions on the backs of people like me..I personally name Aleksandr Smuckler and Aleksandr Melnikov for screwing over so many families that those families refused to do Post Placement Reports..And because of this, adoptions went unchecked for way too long..But guess what? Smukler is living in a FAT HOUSE in Jersey and sent his 3 sons to the best private schools..He is the current president of the NCSJ and has forgotten his horribly unethical ways of strong arming adoptive families..But I haven't forgotten. And because I am a super stealth Internet user, I know as much about him as he USED to know about me..I am not afraid anymore to call him out. He is was a real dick to more families than you can imagine, and this kind of 'tomfoolery' has played a huge role in the Russian government frowning at Americans adopting.. Check him out, his friends call him Sasha..

So on our side of the pond, I blame idiot government decisions, and idiot individuals, and the Russian Mafia right here in the good ole USA..Any adoptive family relies on the success of the families who adopt before us..And there are some real gems out there..
I have to wonder what families are thinking when they adopt children..Are they wanting to create a family or are they just feeding their ego? Sadly, there are a lot of egos on the blogger world..Just look around at all the heroes out there..

Now as for Putipoot, he seems like the spawn of Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney. Yes he is that evil. Throw a little FSB training in there and you have one badass M-Effer. He is willing to level Chechnya in order to gain access to that sweet oil spot. He is willing to put on Mock criminal trials for people such as Russian oil billionaire Mikhail Khodorkovsky just to scare the shit out of the original oligarchs, and to set the tone for any future money makers.."Don't eff with the government, and we won't kill you."

So blame is all around.
And tonight, I am just pissed that somewhere out there, a single woman is terrified that she won't be adopting from Russia. I am pissed that a truly deserving family is going to be without the child they met..I am sad that so many Russian orphans will be in the DetskyDom another night without any hope that a family will come along to adopt them, at least not an American one..
I am pissed at all those HEROES who adopted children they knew they couldn't parent..

So, when someone says to you,"What's the big deal, it's not our country, they are not our orphans." You can tell them, "No they aren't, but it is important to someone I know.."


Tina in CT said...

Well said!!!!

Annie said...

I truly don't know as much about it as you, but I know it is wrong. I also suspect it is temporary....after the publicity dies down....because it does benefit Russia when Americans adopt. (As in, I still remembering having to "break it" to my husband that they weren't going to pay us for doing it....) Twice in the midst of our four adoptions things were halted. Once, only in relationship to our agency (and some two-sides-with-heels-dug-in issue regarding agency certification....Michigan didn't think a paper version necessary; Russia absolutely did.) The other was some similar political issue like this one....that kept Sergei for 4 or 5 more months in Russia and made me prematurely gray. I pray that this episode is similar.

julian said...

I worry Annie that this is Putin being hard line, and he is strong enough to stand his ground..I am just sad for so many, for so many reasons..I think about myself, and how panic stricken I would be if it were me..

Tina in CT said...

Putin is not to be trusted. I am having a fit that my daughter (and girls) will go to protests. I don't trust the Russians - it's not the US.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for adopting your girls and so glad you are happy together !!!! I am thinking about sending a request for explanations from NCSJ about Aleksandr Smuckler - i think he should not be working in a humanitarian organization. I feel you should write a more detailed public description of how he strong-armed the adoptive families and email NCSJ.

Also, i have been reading explanations from the Russian Parliament about this new law - looks like is just to show to US that Russia still has power to hurt Americans, nothing else. So there is noone to blame except for the Putin & Co. - this is pure evil.
With all support, Olga.

julian said...

I have thought about contacting the NCSJ but my information is very old and he can deny a lot..I just have to look at his home to know what I know..
He started out doing something good, but greed took a tight hold on him..And his partner in Moscow made sure that they destroyed the agency he used to work with..They are real stinkers!!

Anonymous said...

Jillian, just wanted to let you know that I absolutely admire you for adopting the girls. I did try to help some of the adoptive families and saw how hard it was for them. I am hoping that everything is settled in your family by now and you are enjoying your time together. God bless you and wish you and your girls all the best! Happy New Year!

P.S. I did email the NCSJ – I do not think this will cause Alex any troubles this time, but just wanted to sow the seeds of doubt among his co-workers.

julian said...

Good For YOU!!
I wont forget how hard it was, but will always be happy I did it!!

allaspbny said...

Dear Julianne,
I have learned about you from Olga. I am the editor of the literary magazine for Russian-speaking kids growing in the US. It is called Malenkaya Kompaniya and its main goal is to keep the language and attract kids to reading (ISSN 1933-6020, more info at Though the majority of the subscribers are Russian-speaking and mixed families, we are always happy to help those who adopted children from the FSU (I have even some personal experience as my nephew and his wife adopted three children from Russia).
If you (and your girls) are interested, please send me your address and I will mail the magazine free of charge (my email is alla.markova@gmailcom). We also do a lot of events in Russian for children and families, but only in NYC.