Monday, December 17, 2012

Guest Bloggers Are In The HizOuse!

Please forgive me..I am feeling silly today. There are just a few days before Christmas and I am all a flutter! Tonight we have a couple of guest bloggers. My daughters, MaryAnna and AugustRose. I am putting them on the spot, we go!~ Anna: "I just had my winter concert for chorus. I got a speaking part. I got to introduce Ala Puerta, a Mexican folk song. I was super nervous. Everyone said I would do fine. At the end I was proud of myself, because I didn't fall off the stage. I was the loudest and the clearest speaker." AugustRose: "I am Julianne's daughter. She loves me. I sleep with her. I do my homework after school. It is easy. I like homework. I like school too. I love my Dadu, Anna, Oliver, Auntie, Aunt Lee, and my Poppy. We might get a new dog. Happy Christmas. and a Happy New Year! " Funny what they want to share. Anna got all silly and shy, August seemed sure to include everyone she loved.. The girlz have slept in my room since we said Adios to the dog..And I didn't realize how much I missed it. I am a firm believer in the family bed/room/co-sleeping. There are millions of parenting areas where I don't have a strong feeling about, but in this family, I believe in ending our day together. We are a small family of only females, which makes it very easy, but I think if I had boys who were still young, it would work as well..NOW, if there was a husband, I am not sure how that would work. I shared the other day that the girlz take turns sleeping with me. The one who is NOT sleeping with me, sleeps on the little couch that is in my room. It is at the foot of my bed so it's right here..The girlz have become afraid to sleep in their rooms this year. And I have to tell you, I don't believe in making them work through that right now. At some point, they will WANT to be in their rooms behind closed doors, so I am okay with easing their fear by keeping them close to me at night. I refuse to hear anyone debate me on this one. I am not changing my mind.. There are four days until we are finished with school. And Lord knows, I am ready. With sickness and general exhaustion, I am in need of a break. This year there is no Christmas Eve service at Church, so we are planning to go to DC mid-day to see the National Trees and to check out the Capitol Tree, which is always WAYY better. I am thinking we will have dinner in Union Station afterwards. I'd like to be home in the early evening. We only open ONE present that night. And it is a gift to the girlz. They know each year I get them a new set of jammies.. I will have to make a run to get PerriWinkle and keep her hidden from the girlz until morning. My mom may keep her until the morning..We haven't quite worked that out yet.. I sent a treat to AllieKat and she got it today. It was for her 16th birthday. I found a bunch of PUG items, (the girlz love to look for pug items since they have one) and I found her some silly little things. She is such a deserving little one. If I had my way, I'd bring AllieKat and her momma Lee up here for the new year. Ahh but there is that thing called cash. And neither one of us have extra piles of it laying around..Soon, though, Soon! Alright, the guest bloggers have fallen asleep, and it's made me awfully tired all of the sudden! Good Night!

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