Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I Don't Have To Judge

Hebrews 13:4 Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.

Saw on a blog that we shouldn't judge. The blogger was right. God will judge for us.  Hey Blogger who is on my blog enough to know my story, I will share this. Adultery hurts. Lying hurts. Everyone.

And until you do right by the people you have hurt, Everything you do will fail!


julian said...

Sorry Friends, This is an off topic sort of post..Now, back to normal!!

Mimi said...

My post was not intended for you. As you are well aware I have had my issues with my ex. I'm sorry I hurt you. I certainly shared my fair share of information with you. And for doing right by someone, I can only assume you can mean my children. Maybe if you spoke to the oldest one you would see D for who he really is. Or my parents, to whom he hasnt seen since before the divorce (he used them up for info and never looked back). i know this because my mother has told me. And D has told me he hates my parents and wants nothing to do with them. I brought you into something that I shouldn't have. I continue to come to your blog because I care and I miss you and the girls. I'm not sure why you come to mine.

julian said...

Thanks for sharing that. I think right now, I am actually sad for S. He is still so hurt by how this all went down.

I hope you are going to enjoy your new job! Best