Sunday, October 14, 2012

I walked out the door a bit ago to walk the dog. I didn't put my  regular clothes on, stayed in my pj's..Sanz bra ...and headed out to give the little guy a walk. As I took the corner to the bushes, I wiped out and hit the ground..Then the idiot dog took off..And when I say took off I mean at a sprint! So I dusted myself off and ran after him..The only reason I could him was he ran into the crazy man on the next road. I got him and we went home.. As he ran in, he jumped against the door and closed it. AND yes, it was locked!! So there I was, standing in my pj's and no bra., starring at the locked front door.

I remembered that my window was open. So I took the ladder down from the back of the house. It is my dad's extension ladder. And I hiked around the to the side of the house and extended it 3 floors and crawled up the side of the house. I am pretty afraid of open heights, so I didn't look down! I got in and made myself a giant cup of coffee. As I sat it down beside my bed. Then I turned and knocked it over onto my side table and all over the space on the floor and my "just cleaned" cause of the whole head-lice thing".....So now, I am redoing the linens in my room, and now near tears!!! Little shit dog. It's all his fault!


Tina in CT said...

OMG! What a day. You need to hide a key somewhere outside. I often am outside dressed like that with the dog.

Anonymous said...

Didn't I say that five children would be easier than one dog? I should have. Especially if it is a it?