Friday, January 31, 2014

The Stressors of Russian Children

 What I know about Russia is there are many, many orphans. Some are true orphans who have been given up at birth, and many others are social orphans. Those are children who have parents. But for one reason or another the parents cannot or do not take care of their children. Some of these parents have voluntarily given their children to the state. Some parents have lost their children do to the state realizing the lack of care.
The stressors that impact both category of orphan are varied. As I began to research for this blog entry, I could find very little peer reviewed documentation on the effects of being an orphan. I could find very little research either. What I know is that for now, Russia is making every effort to keep these orphans in the country. They no longer allow US citizens to adopt these children.
Russia is making efforts to encourage it's own citizens to adopt.

This is from an NGO working in Russia to encourage it's families to consider adoption. I would love to say that the people are doing this out of the goodness of their hearts, but I worry that the fact that there is now a payment for adoption, is a reason that people are adopting.


Annie said...

I think you are right about doing it for the money (just like here, sadly). And because the families may be "iffy" in terms of their willingness to really love the kids (loving action, if not loving feeling), and the children are probably going to be exhibiting trauma behavior which even some very kind and well-meaning people can't seem to handle... Well, trouble seems natural, sadly.

I don't know that you can separate out the stressors for orphanage children, any more easily than you could do it for children in your kindergarten class...because while being in kindergarten might be horribly stressful for one child because of his or her natural disposition, in other cases the stress might come from learning disabilities, or emotional problems they COME with (like OCD). Other children, with stressful homes, may hugely welcome the peace of school.

For some children the orphanage is like a dream! Anastasia couldn't believe how wonderful it was to have her own bed, and tea every morning, and enough to eat. And then some orphanages are so peaceful with truly kind and consistent caregivers. Others are not....

Oh, well, maybe I'm babbling.

Tina in CT said...

Being paid to adopt! So sad!