Tuesday, July 9, 2013


She has been known as MA-Sparkles for years..Her kindergarten teacher gave her that name, and it stuck..
She is also, Anni, On, Anechka, Loo-loo, bunny, and a variety of other silly names I come up with..

Today she is 10. And our day will be all about her..
American girl for lunch, maybe even a movie..

A look back can tell you so much about this soulful child of mine..

Happy 10th Birthday My Love!


Annie said...

Happy Birthday! What lovely photos! It must have been SO amazing to adopt a baby!

Tina in CT said...

The pictures are great and I love the one of the two of you drinking from the bottles. The one of her in pink has to be taken in Russia as they dress those babies and kids in so much clothing when it's warm out. Nice walk down memory lane.

teachingrules said...

love that little one...