Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hoobastank The Reason

Today is election day, but I am quite sure there is one family out there who couldn't care less about who wins and loses this presidential race.. My dear blogger friend "Nellie" lost her son in October and as expected, she is a wreck about it. As you could also expect, no mother wants to lose her child, and considering this dear troubled boy committed suicide, it probably feels even worse. I have heard this song twice this week, and almost HEAR Elya singing it to his mother. Because she is the reason for his love of Christ, his desire to be better, and his willingness to be the boy she adopted..I close my eyes and see that last strong hug and hold onto it in my mind. And know that Elya is starting over. Elya is starting over new..In Heaven

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Annie said...
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