I trust very few people with my girlz. I mean, I trust their teachers with them during the day, but I wouldn't trust them with my girlz when dealing with their souls..
I am in sort of pickle but thankfully, there are several around me that I trust..
Anna is going to summer camp this year. Sleep away camp. And all along, we have planned that I would go along with the group as a chaperone. I teach most of those children at Church so it won't be a big deal.
BUT, our summer school schedule came out and the camp would be during the first two days of camp. I can't really miss any days for summer school. They let us know now so that we can plan for the time, and I don't want to leave them hanging.
When I told Anna about it, she cried. I know she is fearful, so I told her she would still have a great time without me. But I know she is scared. I spoke with Steph at Church, and she assured me she would be just fine. In my heart I know she will, but I still worry. I asked Anna if she still wanted to go if I couldn't be there, and she said YES. She has looked forward to this for 2 years. It's already paid for, so I think it's a go!
I know I will be a basket case but need to deal with myself, be a big girl..But it's soo hard!
I think I may send my dad down there to stay in a hotel room for a couple of days to just be there in case something happens. I am such a baby.
And on being a baby, I went to IKEA to buy the cabinets. And then I chickened out. Everyone in the story was so stressed. It was the last day of the Kitchen Sale and the place was out of control..So with my money in my pocket, I left. I will go back when I know the employees will have the time to really go over everything..Again, a baby!!
1 comment:
I am a big sleepaway camp advocate. I went a month each summer to a Y camp in CT and would have loved to have gone for 2 months but back then the girls had Aug. and the boys July. My mom was a careet mom so worked M-F. My daughter begged to go to Girl Scout sleepaway the summer she was 6 1/2 as her BFF at the beach was going but the age limit was 7 so I had an unhappy girl the whole time Mary was gone. My daughter went the following summer and did for years. When she was about 12, she started going to Lake Placid for figure skating each summer and she would have loved to have gone for the whole summer but it was VERY expensive so she went for two weeks. Both her girls have gone to the Y camp I went to and loved it. My older granddaughter went to a summer program for two weeks last summer for 'tween girls at my daughter's prep school and she will be going back again this summer as she had such a great time. I could go on and on with the benefits of sleepaway camp.
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