How to keep my house clean?
I did so well during the Christmas break. Without having to go to school, I was able to do laundry, straighten up each day, and actually cook..
What are your best house-keeping ideas to encourage my girlz..
Well, actually it is just my big girl who says she likes the mess.
And help for me to keep it all going when it is clean. This weekend I will spend the whole weekend cleaning up again as if we never had it clean at Christmas.
I don't like the mess, and I am willing to toss things easily, so I know I am not a hoarder, just a big H O T M E S S !!!!
I am a toughie so here goes. My daughter was responsible (always) for keeping her room picked up. I have to say that it didn't always work though. Once she was old enough (don't remember the age but probably around 10), she had to dust and vacum it each Sat. When she was in prep school, I did loosen up some as she had so much homework, her figure skating and babysitting jobs so I let it slide some. Kids need to learn housework from a young age and that mothers are not there to be their personal maids. Mothers have other roles. My daughter had to make her bed every AM before school and of course I straighten it up after she left when she was little as I liked it nice. I know people that have picked up left out things, put them in a box and the child has to earn them back. I've even heard of some Nazi type mothers that would give the things in the box to the needy. You should not have to be picking up after them as they can pitch in. I told you I'm tough. I always did my daughter's laundry and ironing as I was doing it anyway for her father and myself so it was no big deal. She also had so much homework as a teenager that that was more important but I did not vacum and dust her room. She had to strip her bed each weekend so I could wash the sheets. Once she got out a sleeping bag and put it on her bed as she didn't take the time to put the clean sheets back on and she slept in the sleeping bag for a week. I tired to not flip out (probably didn't succeed though). Another thought is to put aside 2 hours each Sat. AM and you 3 pick up and clean. Then you shower and go do something fun. Of course you get the bathroom duty. They can do their rooms. Each night before bed, they should pick up their room if they took anything out after school, put clean clothes away and dirty clothes where they go for washing.
Tina, Thanks for the email telling me this comment was here. I used to get emails saying I had a comment, but I don't on this "new" blog.
I think the problem is, and this sounds terrible, but the girlz have too much. They don't respect their things. THere AG stuff is scattered all over their rooms and they just pile it up.
I want to simplify, because the fussing I have to do to get them to help is crazy. I told them yesterday that if the toys on the landing weren't put away, I would be taking them. I will pack them up and make them earn them back. I too have seen moms make the kids earn them back.
My big girl does her laundry, but doesn't hang it well, so it gets all wrinkly and that makes me crazy!
Thanks for the advice! I know it is all ME, the girlz can only learn by my example and I am not being a good one!
Advice on AG things: My granddaughters have MANY, MANY dolls and accessories. My daughter has plastic cases for each doll, her clothes and small accessories. The girls have been fairly good about not mixing up but when other girls come to play - yikes. After the guest leaves, everything gets sorted back.
A suggestion is to put some of the excess things away and bring them out in a month or so. By rotating toys, they'll be like getting them new again.
I can relate with your comment about the wrinkled clothes. Remember when wearing men's boxers as shorts was "in" in the 80's? I used to spray starch and iron them with creases and it drove my daughter nuts. I always ironed everything as I wanted her to look neat as it reflected on me I felt.
Since I am much older, working and taking care of everything by myself, I have really MELLOWED. I used to have a spotless house. Not now. I do a major cleaning if company (or my daughter and the girls) are coming. My college roommate can't understand how I could have changed. I told her I'd have driven myself nuts if I stayed the same. Instead of cleaning on a gorgeous warm day, I'd rather be on my deck with my dachshund reading all afternoon. She can't relate as she doesn't work full time, has a helpful husband and a cleaning lady.
I think your telling them about the toys on the landing is a good idea. How about each night before dinner, tell them while you are cooking that they are to completely pick up all their things and neatly put them where they belong. When it's done, then supper will be served. I started when my daughter started walking that pick-up was before lunch and before dinner and it worked fairly well. In the beginning, I did most of the pick-up but it started a trend/habit.
Good luck!
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