Sunday, December 30, 2012


Today was the New Years Eve Eve party that my teammates and I have each year. This is the first year we didn't go to a restaurant to meet up.
On our team there is one young teacher who is not married, but loves our little ones. There is one teacher who has college aged girls. But she has the heebie geebies and couldn't come..

There is one teacher who is the mommy of  "L-G" who is 4 and a doll baby. My girlz adore her and think she sounds like a fairy when she talks. She is darling and  our family treats her like a little cousin!
Then there is one friend who is now teaching 2nd grade..BOOoooo..
We still invite her to everything as she misses the kindergarten so much, and we are all good friends. She has 2 sons, one is 25 months old and one is 6 months old. And those boys are amazing. She raises some smart children. (Both she and her husband are very bright) And she is the one I call a hippie child. She is the most genuine and relaxed kind of momma.

Because we exchange gifts and the kids are old enough to want to play, we decided to have our lil party at my house. There is plenty of room, and that means we can spend time together with our little ones there. I invited hubbies too, as I really love them too.. *OKAY, here is something weird. I used to teach with a music teacher at my old school. Turns out, the hippies husband is the child of that music teacher. God, I am so old.
So today was like a second Christmas. Everyone knows each other so well, that we end up with the coolest gifts. L-G's mom found a cupcake set with nesting dolls on it! And I was tickled to get our young teacher a shiny pink cupcake maker for her new condo!  The kids ran wild and played and messed, and when it was time to go, there were no tears, but even my girlz didn't want the day to end..

These are the times when I know how lucky I am to have a job where there are people who I genuinely care about. Going to work everyday would be impossible if I couldn't meet up with these ladies and talk first about our own kids, then about school stuff! (The mommies that were at the party are not on Facebook or any social media, so I won't publish any pics..Just imagine 3 little girlz, 1 toddler, 1 baby and a bunch of teachers giggling and eating a whole bunch!!)

So as this year winds down, I am really happy to be surrounded by such lovely people. And that includes my family. My mom with her constant help with the girlz, My dad with his positive encouragement and love of my girlz, and of course my crazy-ass sister who genuinely adores my babies..
Our  family Christmas was picture perfect and with everything happening in the adoption world, I am reminded once again that the dear sweet Lord blessed me when he didn't have to. And once again, I sing his praises for doing so.

I don't tend to make resolutions. I never really 'start' my year in January. My year starts in September with the school year. But this year, I would like to make a few plans.
I know I would like to be more proactive in keeping my home clean. We are a reallll hoooottt messs around here. (I have had the place cleaned for the holiday, and it is work, but I have really enjoyed it)
I would also like to keep losing weight, but actually be in charge of the process. Right now, it is just happening, so I am going to get some blood work done to make sure everything is okay, but start walking so that I can tone up..
The last thing I want to focus on, is trying to get into a small group and start going. I miss everyone at New Hope, and I would love to reconnect with them. I also miss the learning involved. I miss that.


Tina in CT said...

What a great group and fun time you all had. It's a bonus to have such people to teach with.

julian said...

I couldn't go to work each day if I didn't have these ladies..I learn from them each day, and the fact that they are IN LOVE with their own families means we get to tell funny stories!!
Happy New Year To you and your baby doggie!