My dad is going to Lebanon next week. He went last year to work on a short term assignment with some government department..It is the same as before. He will go to work with farmers on implementing food safety standards so that they can move forward with trade. Right now, Lebanon is stuck with apples it cannot sell because larger countries in the area cannot legally trade with them due to their lack of standards. My dad is sort of an expert on food farm safety. Kind of funny that farming is international!
I know it's not the best time for him to travel to the middle east, but he is not going near large city centers so I am okay with it. Remember this is the man who traveled for 7 straight days without a bed when I was adopting Anna from the Russian Far East.
Ahhh, that week was a good one. Let's review for those who missed it..
Day 1: Fly to Moscow, sit in the airport for 8 hours.
Day 2 Fly 9 hours to Khabarovsk.
Day 3: Take a train to Komsomolsk to visit Anna prior to court.
Day 4 Take the train Back to Khabarovks and go STRAIGHT to court.
Day 5 Take the train to pick up Anna in Komsomolsk.
Day 6 Take the train back to Khabarovsk to spend the month...
*Because of the time differences, it was 7 days of continuous travel!!
It didn't really matter that we never stopped moving. It was pure bliss. I cut out the world while in Khabarovsk and lived in my little adoption bubble. And my dad was in the hotel room right beside Anna and I giving us space when we needed it, getting us pizza when we were sick, and spoiling Anna with scrambled eggs when I wasn't looking.
So a flight to the country side of Lebanon isn't so scary for me. My dad is living his dream and I won't burden him or myself with worry. Neither of us deserve that.
That brings me to my gypsy story. I have settled into school and my situation with the commute is no better, but I can't change it, so I have decided to just go with it..I have 22 years of teaching, but only 19 in my county/state. So the plan is to finish this year, and next year. If I left then my retirement would be terribly low, so obviously I would only leave it the PERFECT situation came along. Private/International schools are out of the question, and with the budget cuts of the DODea, it's out too. So I am back into graduate school as my big option. There are two areas I consider, history..which won't help me career wise, and ESOL which may help..
Right now, I am too busy with everything to focus on "what's out there" so I am just focusing on school and my girlz.
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