What an amazing Christmas..My aunt Carolyn, (the one who lost her son a few months ago) was scheduled to come up for the holiday, but fell out of her house the week before, and broke her leg and arm..She is in a rehab center and will be there for a bit. Pretty sad. She has had a brain bleed a few years ago, and is so fragile. I just can't wrap my head around her heartache this first holiday without my cousin Darren...But there was nothing we could do to get her here..
My dad is here and we decided NOT to go to the Gaylord or Church this year. It ends up getting so hectic and causes stress, so I cooked a bunch of appetizers and the girlz played in the neighborhood and we all just relaxed...I made a small meal (Wow Go Figure, I cooked!!) and then let the grownups open some gifts. The girlz opened their gifts from each other, and their gift from me..
I always get them new pjs, but this year I got them some bath stuff..We have fallen in love with LUSH, a fabulous company that makes natural stuff...So to give the girlz a treat treat for their Christmas Eve bath, I got them a bath bomb, the Christmas Eve bomb. I also got them a Silver Star bath melt..They were really tickled with this. They love finding special treats like this. What I love is that these products are all natural and NEVER tested on animals.
I premade breakfast casseroles for the fam, and when the girlz got up, we did the grownups stockings, and let "Santa" gifts be opened...I had gotten tons of clearance stuff from Justice and oddly enough, Macy's..They had one of the best sales. I also finally broke down and got the girlz PillowPets lights. Again, on a 20% sale. I saved $14.00 dollars off of each of them..I took that savings and bought a couple of Shared gifts. I got a cotton candy machine and a couple of family games. The girlz opened their gifts and then it was time to give them their Ipads. And it was awesome. Anna wants a keyboard for hers but there are so many different kinds so I didn't get that yet. I found smart pads on ebay with free stylus' and they have been tickled with that. But I am going to get both of them some sort of carrier for them. My sister got them ITunes cards to buy them their favorite games and turns out, because they share the account, when one child buys a game, they both get it!! SCORE!!!
My parents loved the treats we bought for them. I always do those Yankee Candle car in a jar for their stockings, and also get them some sort of silly funny treats..This year I found the perfect keychains for everyone from Coach..HUGE discount at the outlet store. HUGE!
I know that I am dropping several "name-brands" on this post, but honestly I buy this stuff once a year, and have been so impressed with the savings and discounts that were offered this year. From my list of favorites, the only company/retailor/store that I wasn't impressed with was ToysRUs..They never seem to have great storewide discounts. They choose certain products and discount those..The girlz wanted Nerf guns this year and they did offer half off the second gun. So when I went there, I looked about to see what else they had on discount. The headphones were all about 40.oo, uhm no..their Ipad cases all about 40.oo another no...and because my girlz LOVED the movie frozen, I wanted to get some silliness from the movie..They had a small selection but not enough of a savings. So I left TRU with 2 items..
The only other retailor/store that I usually go to at Christmas time is Bath and Body works..Sadly, we aren't going there as we switched over to Lush..The only product they are lacking is a hand soap for daily use. As soon as they develop that, I think they will be complete!!
We are still celebrating and enjoying family time. I am finally getting my house together and putting away things that we are no longer using..Bye Bye American Girl..You are going into the attic!
OHHHH, I finished this semester and got A's in my courses. WHew, what a huge relief. I start my next round of classes in a week, so I am gearing up for a whole lot more reading!
So happppy holiday my friends. Enjoy your time with family and friends!
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Just completing my semester in grad school..Whew! Lot's harder than I anticipated. Christmas is in a few days and I am pretty much set where that is concerned. Shshshshs, don't want to give any secrets away!
Been doing research on becoming a Court Appointed Guardian Ad Litem. It's a very long process and the first part is a lot of reading. I have my paperwork, and looking into which court system would be most appropriate for me. Some are closer, but require more, some are farther but actually pay more..So just working it out. The masters must be in hand before I take this on though! Through this process, I have read a lot of nonsense that I have a hard time wrapping me head around.
As a mother who doesn't have to share her babies with anyone, I honestly don't know how to handle reading about alleged situations that involve abuse, crime, neglect, and substance issues. Add a basic willingness to do the least amount of parenting and you have a real mess in the courts.
One area that specifically touched my heart was the area of child support. I knew there was a formula that is in play, but what I didn't know was that if both parties agree, amounts can be adjusted up or down.
What I still don't understand is what I have termed,
"the walk."
This is the move where one of the parents simply walks away from all financial responsibility of raising a child. They continue to live their life, and don't look back. I think those parents don't realize that one day, that child is going to grow up and become an adult. That adult child is going to say, "What the hell? Why didn't you help?" and no amount of, "Oh honey your XXX didn't need help." is going to work. That adult child is going to remember that you didn't bother with what really mattered, which is helping the custodial parent..
So let's take a look at the most basic level of care that a non custodial parent can provide....
What kind of parent leaves a child's welfare up to one parent? Is it fair for women to say, "He has more money so he can handle the burden of caring for the children in all manners financial." How is it that if the father has full custody the mothers don't bother to pay Anything?
Really, if you have a child, you know what it takes to raise a child..Let's start with the basic 3, (Food, Clothing, and Shelter)
Shelter is a hard one. How do you put an amount on what a Non Custodial Parent should pay?
You have to consider what it takes to run that household. Mortgage, electricity, water, cable, phone, etc...What? maybe each child theoretically uses 75.00 per month on these..We can super lowball that in half and it's 37.50
And then there is food. Kids eat like little piglets. Always hungry, always nibbling. I have to imagine that kids eat at least 100.00 worth of food in a month, so lets divide that in half. So a lowball estimate, 50.00
Then there is clothing. Depending on the age of the child, I can safely estimate that at 75.00 per month..So that is 37.50
*But not in the mix are the gagillions of other things that kiddos need. Club dues, t-shirts, field trip money, movie money, haircuts, co-pays at the doctor and dentists, and prescriptions. Then you have to add in all the gas money the custodial parent spends running that child around. So even though we all know it's way more, lets put a figure on this area as 75.00, that would be a whopping 37.50
Ok, so let's add it up..
162.50 Total
I mean really, in a month we all know that ONE child can use up more than that on food, but I was being super conservative. If you can't scurry up that for one child, you really don't deserve to call yourself a parent. I mean come on, I bet you spend that kind of money on your phone or cable bill..Or eating out and going to bars. You need to hit the corner, or start selling plasma if you don't have that much to give for one child.
OH WAIT, you say to yourself, but what if I have more than one child? Then I say, the custodial parent is probably cursing your name, cause they are paycheck to paycheck since your not pulling your weight..2 kids, that's 325.oo a month.....3 kids, 487.50....4 kids, 650.00....5 kids, 812.50...
What I hear a lot is the parent who is paying the child support saying, "They spend that money on themselves." Really? You have a boatload of kids and aren't paying diddly squat yet you are worried that your X is buying Ferrari's on your dime..GET OVER YOURSELF!!!
Think about all the single parents out there who are making it with NO HELP>>>
(If you are paying the amount above per child, or less; then I am pulling out my DIRTBAG card and handing it to you.)
So parents, I'd like to throw out a little free advice, raise up that CS payment or you will truly pay later.
Been doing research on becoming a Court Appointed Guardian Ad Litem. It's a very long process and the first part is a lot of reading. I have my paperwork, and looking into which court system would be most appropriate for me. Some are closer, but require more, some are farther but actually pay more..So just working it out. The masters must be in hand before I take this on though! Through this process, I have read a lot of nonsense that I have a hard time wrapping me head around.
As a mother who doesn't have to share her babies with anyone, I honestly don't know how to handle reading about alleged situations that involve abuse, crime, neglect, and substance issues. Add a basic willingness to do the least amount of parenting and you have a real mess in the courts.
One area that specifically touched my heart was the area of child support. I knew there was a formula that is in play, but what I didn't know was that if both parties agree, amounts can be adjusted up or down.
What I still don't understand is what I have termed,
"the walk."
This is the move where one of the parents simply walks away from all financial responsibility of raising a child. They continue to live their life, and don't look back. I think those parents don't realize that one day, that child is going to grow up and become an adult. That adult child is going to say, "What the hell? Why didn't you help?" and no amount of, "Oh honey your XXX didn't need help." is going to work. That adult child is going to remember that you didn't bother with what really mattered, which is helping the custodial parent..
So let's take a look at the most basic level of care that a non custodial parent can provide....
What kind of parent leaves a child's welfare up to one parent? Is it fair for women to say, "He has more money so he can handle the burden of caring for the children in all manners financial." How is it that if the father has full custody the mothers don't bother to pay Anything?
Really, if you have a child, you know what it takes to raise a child..Let's start with the basic 3, (Food, Clothing, and Shelter)
Shelter is a hard one. How do you put an amount on what a Non Custodial Parent should pay?
You have to consider what it takes to run that household. Mortgage, electricity, water, cable, phone, etc...What? maybe each child theoretically uses 75.00 per month on these..We can super lowball that in half and it's 37.50
And then there is food. Kids eat like little piglets. Always hungry, always nibbling. I have to imagine that kids eat at least 100.00 worth of food in a month, so lets divide that in half. So a lowball estimate, 50.00
Then there is clothing. Depending on the age of the child, I can safely estimate that at 75.00 per month..So that is 37.50
*But not in the mix are the gagillions of other things that kiddos need. Club dues, t-shirts, field trip money, movie money, haircuts, co-pays at the doctor and dentists, and prescriptions. Then you have to add in all the gas money the custodial parent spends running that child around. So even though we all know it's way more, lets put a figure on this area as 75.00, that would be a whopping 37.50
Ok, so let's add it up..
162.50 Total
I mean really, in a month we all know that ONE child can use up more than that on food, but I was being super conservative. If you can't scurry up that for one child, you really don't deserve to call yourself a parent. I mean come on, I bet you spend that kind of money on your phone or cable bill..Or eating out and going to bars. You need to hit the corner, or start selling plasma if you don't have that much to give for one child.
OH WAIT, you say to yourself, but what if I have more than one child? Then I say, the custodial parent is probably cursing your name, cause they are paycheck to paycheck since your not pulling your weight..2 kids, that's 325.oo a month.....3 kids, 487.50....4 kids, 650.00....5 kids, 812.50...
What I hear a lot is the parent who is paying the child support saying, "They spend that money on themselves." Really? You have a boatload of kids and aren't paying diddly squat yet you are worried that your X is buying Ferrari's on your dime..GET OVER YOURSELF!!!
Think about all the single parents out there who are making it with NO HELP>>>
(If you are paying the amount above per child, or less; then I am pulling out my DIRTBAG card and handing it to you.)
So parents, I'd like to throw out a little free advice, raise up that CS payment or you will truly pay later.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
I have so much to share about NYC. But I have a paper due, and I am just starting it today. So the details will have to wait. What I will share is that mom and the girlz and I had a blast. Pedi cabs, Dylan's Candy Bar, Pappabubble, Frozen, Time Square, Rock Center, the Parade, Bloomingdales, the bus ride to and from, Starlight Diner, Lil' Italy, China Town,(As Auggie calls it, JapanTown) were all amazing.
I got a killer deal on 2 NorthFace coats at Bloomies, I saved 70.00!! And we got the ones both girlz wanted. The other happy happy was that we could see the parade from our room! AMAZE!!! We did go to the parade though..Stayed long enough to see the DUCK DYnasty crew and a few others..
It was just blissful. Time with my girlz and Mom..just doesn't get better!
I got a killer deal on 2 NorthFace coats at Bloomies, I saved 70.00!! And we got the ones both girlz wanted. The other happy happy was that we could see the parade from our room! AMAZE!!! We did go to the parade though..Stayed long enough to see the DUCK DYnasty crew and a few others..
It was just blissful. Time with my girlz and Mom..just doesn't get better!
Saturday, November 23, 2013
On a Side Note..
Can you imagine how long it's been since writing APA style and citing endless sources? A while.
I have come to remember hanging indents, running headers, and the APA handbook...and they are now my new best friends!
I have enjoyed pushing myself in this way. I used to write scholarly texts in an awesome sort of way, but blogging, texting, tweeting, and facebook have sunk my skills to an all time LOW~ re-learning is often pretty meaningful.
And on another note. Do you ever get the sense that there are 2 groups of people.
Group 1 is the smallest, and consists of people who learn their lessons pretty quickly. Maybe they didn't at one point, and something traumatic or painful pushed them into this group.
Group 2 is where I think a large percentage of people fall..
I mean come on, are you still thinking he will change?
Is he really going to leave his wife for you?
OH,,I see, NOW you know how to successfully drink and drive. NOW, after your 3rd DUI you all LEARNED UP!
OK, so you are always broke, and owe people money? So that big new toy in your front yard? I guess you needed that "insert whatever high priced item you see fit"..
Right....your bullshit job that pays you nothing is important to you, never the mind that it doesn't cover your bills...
So tell me again. Why are you going out to dinner or movies when you owe everybody and their brother?
Ohhhh, I get it. Calling me "Dude" in an apology letter makes you all of the sudden credible.
I am surrounded in life with people who make the right decisions and are with me in group 1. But there are those on the fringe that I have to laugh at. We have all told them. We have all shaken our heads slowly up and down with our mouths wide open as they share about this new "thing" they just bought..(cringing at the fact that they never did pay ya back the money they owe..)
and for the record. It took me a long time to get out of that group. But after learning my lessons, I happily swim in the "got it pond."
I have come to remember hanging indents, running headers, and the APA handbook...and they are now my new best friends!
I have enjoyed pushing myself in this way. I used to write scholarly texts in an awesome sort of way, but blogging, texting, tweeting, and facebook have sunk my skills to an all time LOW~ re-learning is often pretty meaningful.
And on another note. Do you ever get the sense that there are 2 groups of people.
Group 1 is the smallest, and consists of people who learn their lessons pretty quickly. Maybe they didn't at one point, and something traumatic or painful pushed them into this group.
Group 2 is where I think a large percentage of people fall..
I mean come on, are you still thinking he will change?
Is he really going to leave his wife for you?
OH,,I see, NOW you know how to successfully drink and drive. NOW, after your 3rd DUI you all LEARNED UP!
OK, so you are always broke, and owe people money? So that big new toy in your front yard? I guess you needed that "insert whatever high priced item you see fit"..
Right....your bullshit job that pays you nothing is important to you, never the mind that it doesn't cover your bills...
So tell me again. Why are you going out to dinner or movies when you owe everybody and their brother?
Ohhhh, I get it. Calling me "Dude" in an apology letter makes you all of the sudden credible.
I am surrounded in life with people who make the right decisions and are with me in group 1. But there are those on the fringe that I have to laugh at. We have all told them. We have all shaken our heads slowly up and down with our mouths wide open as they share about this new "thing" they just bought..(cringing at the fact that they never did pay ya back the money they owe..)
and for the record. It took me a long time to get out of that group. But after learning my lessons, I happily swim in the "got it pond."
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Checking in..
I haven't been run over by a truck, nor have I run away from home..
I have a required blog from one of my graduate classes that I have been working on..
Everything I have on there is a required entry, so it takes me a week to get the info published. Take a look if you please..
I have a required blog from one of my graduate classes that I have been working on..
Everything I have on there is a required entry, so it takes me a week to get the info published. Take a look if you please..
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Another Krap Sandwich That Has Wrecked My Orphan Sunday...
Clearly I am in the throws of a midlife crisis..
If you could see the chaos in my house, my general life anxiety, the pain of what I think is the dreaded return of H-Pylori, you'd say, "Maybe your life is a mess, and it's not the midlife crisis."
But I forgot to remind you that I am in graduate school. And the courses move quickly. I forgot to share that what I thought was a grant approved program, is not. Meaning, the program does not qualify for the 20K I just accepted. Because I work in a Title 1school, I was supposed to be able to teach for 5 years and the dreaded 20K would disappear. Well over the weekend I received notice that I do not meet the requirement for the grant. You see, I don't teach science or math, I am not a reading specialist..WTF? You morons deciding on the grant, I TEACH ALL OF THOSE THINGS!!! So now, after working my tail off, I have to figure out this equation.
Help me won't you?
I will get a raise of around 2300. for earning my masters. (I already receive the +15 stipend).
The masters will cost OVER 26K.and that doesn't include my time commitment. It doesn't include the amount of anxiety I have over learning the SAME SHIT, I have known for 23 years!!! (Excuse my language, I am horrified today..)
I can retire in 9 years. 9 X 2300.oo = 20, 700.00
Is it worth it? Does the amount of work I am pouring into this program equal the pay raise? Now, lets' not forget that NOW THAT MY SCHOOL HAS DEEMED me ineligible for the TEACHgrant, I have to pay back the entire amount with interest. HELL NO!!!
So this winds me back to my original position.
Is this my breaking point? Or is this a plain and simply ole fashioned mid life crisis?
Do I walk on my graduate program? (A program that, BTW I was not truly interested in) We all know I want to actually learn something new. I want to study overseas, I want to learn Russian History...
Honestly, I don't want a red corvette, I don't want a young a fabulous boy toy..Ya know what I want? I want the world to make sense. I want to learn NEW information when I am paying 2500. per course, I want Kanye to fall off a bridge, I want Putin to be caught in a glorious homosexual fiasco, I want Ted Cruz and his crazy ass father, Rafael Cruz to stop acting like they represent ANYONE in this country..And they can join Kanye on the edge of that bridge, I'll push 'em..
AAAAhhh, let the world make sense. Let me be in the moment again. Let me be that girl who wasn't afraid to take the biggest leap of faith and adopt..Twice,... Lord, I beg you to help me find my way. Cause friends, this weekend's Krap Sandwhich has really thrown a hitch in my giddy-up!
BUT LOOK, I finally have a school picture without a double chin...
That's something!!
If you could see the chaos in my house, my general life anxiety, the pain of what I think is the dreaded return of H-Pylori, you'd say, "Maybe your life is a mess, and it's not the midlife crisis."
But I forgot to remind you that I am in graduate school. And the courses move quickly. I forgot to share that what I thought was a grant approved program, is not. Meaning, the program does not qualify for the 20K I just accepted. Because I work in a Title 1school, I was supposed to be able to teach for 5 years and the dreaded 20K would disappear. Well over the weekend I received notice that I do not meet the requirement for the grant. You see, I don't teach science or math, I am not a reading specialist..WTF? You morons deciding on the grant, I TEACH ALL OF THOSE THINGS!!! So now, after working my tail off, I have to figure out this equation.
Help me won't you?
I will get a raise of around 2300. for earning my masters. (I already receive the +15 stipend).
The masters will cost OVER 26K.and that doesn't include my time commitment. It doesn't include the amount of anxiety I have over learning the SAME SHIT, I have known for 23 years!!! (Excuse my language, I am horrified today..)
I can retire in 9 years. 9 X 2300.oo = 20, 700.00
Is it worth it? Does the amount of work I am pouring into this program equal the pay raise? Now, lets' not forget that NOW THAT MY SCHOOL HAS DEEMED me ineligible for the TEACHgrant, I have to pay back the entire amount with interest. HELL NO!!!
So this winds me back to my original position.
Is this my breaking point? Or is this a plain and simply ole fashioned mid life crisis?
Do I walk on my graduate program? (A program that, BTW I was not truly interested in) We all know I want to actually learn something new. I want to study overseas, I want to learn Russian History...
Honestly, I don't want a red corvette, I don't want a young a fabulous boy toy..Ya know what I want? I want the world to make sense. I want to learn NEW information when I am paying 2500. per course, I want Kanye to fall off a bridge, I want Putin to be caught in a glorious homosexual fiasco, I want Ted Cruz and his crazy ass father, Rafael Cruz to stop acting like they represent ANYONE in this country..And they can join Kanye on the edge of that bridge, I'll push 'em..
AAAAhhh, let the world make sense. Let me be in the moment again. Let me be that girl who wasn't afraid to take the biggest leap of faith and adopt..Twice,... Lord, I beg you to help me find my way. Cause friends, this weekend's Krap Sandwhich has really thrown a hitch in my giddy-up!
BUT LOOK, I finally have a school picture without a double chin...
That's something!!
Monday, October 14, 2013
I guess my horribly biting post about EBT cards at 7-11 isn't going to happen. I have written it twice, and both times, I lost it due to a pooter malfunction.
So here is what I wanted to say in a few phrases...
7-11, dirtbag lady with fancy shoes, boatloads of children with even fancier shoes, buys oodles of junk food then pays with and EBT card. Then comes back with cash to buy blunts...Leaving her many chidlren outside on the curb.
Me furious, go home and look up EBT cards. Get more furious. End of story.
Not as witty or biting without complete sentences. But you get the point.
So here is what I wanted to say in a few phrases...
7-11, dirtbag lady with fancy shoes, boatloads of children with even fancier shoes, buys oodles of junk food then pays with and EBT card. Then comes back with cash to buy blunts...Leaving her many chidlren outside on the curb.
Me furious, go home and look up EBT cards. Get more furious. End of story.
Not as witty or biting without complete sentences. But you get the point.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
And there is this...
Soooo, there is a touch more DELICIOUSNESS in this house! A counter top!!!
After living like the Ingalls family for months, we now have running water, a new sink, and a FABOO counter top..
Now, to clarify, the only thing in my kitchen that actually matches what I originally thought I wanted, are the cabinets. Nothing I have done since then seems to go along with them..
I had investigated, searched, shopped and thought I found the best deal on counter tops. The quartz ending up being ....wait for it..... 4800.oo smackers! And on the day I planned to go and give them the down payment, I called my mom and said, "I CAN"T DO IT"...I just couldn't. It seemed so outrageous to spend that kind of money on one thing..
So I had to start over in my counter top quest. I ended up going to a shop and honestly looking at one slab and said, "Do It.."
And as it turned out, I love it..
It is granite. Which I thought I hated. But it has a lot of movement to the pattern, and it looks more like marble than granite.
My new double sink is lovely as well..AND my new faucet, Perfect..
So now I have to decide on the back splash. NOTHING I had planned will work. I had originally thought of having a very "still" counter top so that I could have a wild back splash..So now I have to figure out what will go with my new counters...
I am just beginning my new search and found these lovely options at Home Depot. Not sure if any of them work. The patterns sort of work against the counters..What I do know is that I LOVE my new stuff!!!
After living like the Ingalls family for months, we now have running water, a new sink, and a FABOO counter top..
Now, to clarify, the only thing in my kitchen that actually matches what I originally thought I wanted, are the cabinets. Nothing I have done since then seems to go along with them..
I had investigated, searched, shopped and thought I found the best deal on counter tops. The quartz ending up being ....wait for it..... 4800.oo smackers! And on the day I planned to go and give them the down payment, I called my mom and said, "I CAN"T DO IT"...I just couldn't. It seemed so outrageous to spend that kind of money on one thing..
So I had to start over in my counter top quest. I ended up going to a shop and honestly looking at one slab and said, "Do It.."
And as it turned out, I love it..
It is granite. Which I thought I hated. But it has a lot of movement to the pattern, and it looks more like marble than granite.
My new double sink is lovely as well..AND my new faucet, Perfect..
So now I have to decide on the back splash. NOTHING I had planned will work. I had originally thought of having a very "still" counter top so that I could have a wild back splash..So now I have to figure out what will go with my new counters...
I am just beginning my new search and found these lovely options at Home Depot. Not sure if any of them work. The patterns sort of work against the counters..What I do know is that I LOVE my new stuff!!!
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Still Learning
Can you remember back to the time where you were a teenager and your parents made you sick? Literally, sick. The sound of my mother's voice could send my into a tyrannical rage. I usually heard it early on a Saturday morning. Screaming at me to gather the dirty dishes from my room. To gather the dirty laundry..I would squeeze the pillow tightly around my ears and beg that she would somehow magically, miraculously drop dead in the kitchen. And I could sleep. Alone in my filthy teenage bedroom...
And now, at 45 I am ever so thankful to hear my parents voice. Everyday hearing my mom. And almost as much, hearing my dad..And after all this time, I enjoy their company. I enjoy listening to their crazy Republican political opinions. I love hearing each of them in their own way try to guide me through the difficult life decisions I make for my girlz and for myself..
They have been true to me. True to their job title. They are parents. Not my friends, not my equal, but my mom and dad. I can only offer, "yes ma'am and No Sir" as an homage to the respect I feel for them. At my age, they know they can't tell me what to do, only encourage..
But what I have learned over the past couple of years, is that they haven't let me down. And they have helped me tremendously. They have reached out to help others, simply because it was for me. For that I thank them both.
I have made some pretty serious choices in relationships that were not only dangerous and hurtful, but predictable. As both of my parents tried to teach me from a young age, "You really should help people, but not to the extent it will hurt you." And it seems that most of the time, I have done that very thing. I have put myself behind a decision that only ended up hurting. BUT, the practical side of me has never let it hurt too deeply.
Most of the time I have seen crazy coming..But I don't always remember:
"When someone shows you who they are, Believe Them.." But I am learning....
And now, at 45 I am ever so thankful to hear my parents voice. Everyday hearing my mom. And almost as much, hearing my dad..And after all this time, I enjoy their company. I enjoy listening to their crazy Republican political opinions. I love hearing each of them in their own way try to guide me through the difficult life decisions I make for my girlz and for myself..
They have been true to me. True to their job title. They are parents. Not my friends, not my equal, but my mom and dad. I can only offer, "yes ma'am and No Sir" as an homage to the respect I feel for them. At my age, they know they can't tell me what to do, only encourage..
But what I have learned over the past couple of years, is that they haven't let me down. And they have helped me tremendously. They have reached out to help others, simply because it was for me. For that I thank them both.
I have made some pretty serious choices in relationships that were not only dangerous and hurtful, but predictable. As both of my parents tried to teach me from a young age, "You really should help people, but not to the extent it will hurt you." And it seems that most of the time, I have done that very thing. I have put myself behind a decision that only ended up hurting. BUT, the practical side of me has never let it hurt too deeply.
Most of the time I have seen crazy coming..But I don't always remember:
"When someone shows you who they are, Believe Them.." But I am learning....
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
5 Fall Favorites
Hevel told Nellie and now I am inclined to do the same...So what are 5
I am loving right now?
1) I adore Diana Taurasi. She is an WNBA basketball player. She went to UConn and she was part of the team that won 3 national championships. She was drafted to play for Phoenix. And until this week, I had never heard of her. She was the player who had a little shoving match on the court and then leaned in to kiss the other player. Seemed way out of line when I first saw the video clip. Now after endlessly googling and youtubing, I learned that she and that other player have played together since they were little girlz. And they are friends. Why am I so infatuated with this lady? She plays in Russia for 7 months out of the year...Yep. Now she can do no wrong!!!
2) Knowing that my class is in planning mode for our trip to the pumpkin patch. This trip is the most fun trip in the world. And yes, there is kettle corn, yes, we get to bring home a pumpkin, and yes they have calves and baby goats! LLLLOOOOVVVEEEE
3) My countertops will be installed in a week. We have lived like the Ingalls family with no kitchen sink for nearly two months. I finally narrowed down the choices and just said, DO IT!
4) My new sofa..AugustRose and my mom found a cool sofa a while back. My mom had it recovered to match my grandmother's chair..It's awesome!!
5) My dog's new haircut is growing out in a way that makes her look like a proper dog and not a bath mat...
I am loving right now?
1) I adore Diana Taurasi. She is an WNBA basketball player. She went to UConn and she was part of the team that won 3 national championships. She was drafted to play for Phoenix. And until this week, I had never heard of her. She was the player who had a little shoving match on the court and then leaned in to kiss the other player. Seemed way out of line when I first saw the video clip. Now after endlessly googling and youtubing, I learned that she and that other player have played together since they were little girlz. And they are friends. Why am I so infatuated with this lady? She plays in Russia for 7 months out of the year...Yep. Now she can do no wrong!!!
2) Knowing that my class is in planning mode for our trip to the pumpkin patch. This trip is the most fun trip in the world. And yes, there is kettle corn, yes, we get to bring home a pumpkin, and yes they have calves and baby goats! LLLLOOOOVVVEEEE
3) My countertops will be installed in a week. We have lived like the Ingalls family with no kitchen sink for nearly two months. I finally narrowed down the choices and just said, DO IT!
4) My new sofa..AugustRose and my mom found a cool sofa a while back. My mom had it recovered to match my grandmother's chair..It's awesome!!
5) My dog's new haircut is growing out in a way that makes her look like a proper dog and not a bath mat...
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Oh No They Didn't...
So I was looking at research on the poor, as it is a huge factor in the success of students, and WOAH! I started finding hundred of articles on single mothers..Diving deeper, I found even more articles on 'WHY MEN SHOULD NEVER DATE SINGLE MOMS'...
I made the mistake and read a few.
Here are some highlights.
Widows are not considered single moms.
Divorced women are not considered single moms.
Single moms are women who have children without the benefit of marriage.
I don't what group I fall into. But clearly these idiot men have actually hit the truth on so many levels..
It's true, I would never have a child without the benefit of marriage. I wouldn't want to share my child with anyone I wasn't willing to marry.
It's true and statistics have shown that given the circumstance, many of the offspring of single mothers are at higher risk of poverty. But guess what? We all are a couple of paychecks away from complete financial devastation!!!
But most important to me, is that there is no research to substantiate what will happen to the offspring who adopt and choose NOT to date. And that is the group I am in.
I refuse to put anyone on the same Love Level as my children. I won't date. Not for me. I put every ounce of my being into working and raising my girlz. They are first in my life, and they know it. The statistics of bringing a man into the home are clear. Sexual abuse is much likelier to happen than if a non-related man does not live with young chidlren. No man is worth that..
Also, I am financially able to live on my own. I can do what I need right by myself..Except for all the things my PARENTS take care of!! HAHAHAHA
Why would I take love away from my chidlren and give it to a man. Hey, Men, Guess What?" I don't need to share my life with you...So get over yourself!
I made the mistake and read a few.
Here are some highlights.
Widows are not considered single moms.
Divorced women are not considered single moms.
Single moms are women who have children without the benefit of marriage.
I don't what group I fall into. But clearly these idiot men have actually hit the truth on so many levels..
It's true, I would never have a child without the benefit of marriage. I wouldn't want to share my child with anyone I wasn't willing to marry.
It's true and statistics have shown that given the circumstance, many of the offspring of single mothers are at higher risk of poverty. But guess what? We all are a couple of paychecks away from complete financial devastation!!!
But most important to me, is that there is no research to substantiate what will happen to the offspring who adopt and choose NOT to date. And that is the group I am in.
I refuse to put anyone on the same Love Level as my children. I won't date. Not for me. I put every ounce of my being into working and raising my girlz. They are first in my life, and they know it. The statistics of bringing a man into the home are clear. Sexual abuse is much likelier to happen than if a non-related man does not live with young chidlren. No man is worth that..
Also, I am financially able to live on my own. I can do what I need right by myself..Except for all the things my PARENTS take care of!! HAHAHAHA
Why would I take love away from my chidlren and give it to a man. Hey, Men, Guess What?" I don't need to share my life with you...So get over yourself!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Busy Busy!
So let's just add to the "busy" plate shall we?
I am in grad school. Finally finishing my masters. Of the 24 hours of graduate credit that I have, none of them amount to anything I'd like to really study so I am just finishing with the MS in Early Childhood. I had hoped that at least a few of the classes could transfer into a History Masters, but no..
And I have searched literally every school on the east coast in hopes of finding a program in Russian History or Russian Studies, but everyone of them requires graduate level Russian. No matter how much Pimsleur or Rosetta Stone I do, I just won't be able to write and read in the language.
So I am just doing what is easiest and finishing up with elementary education with a focus on early childhood. I will be finished this year and then I can actually find a history program, and then work on a second masters later on..
Anna's foot is healed and she will begin dance this week. She is only taking tap. Why, you ask? BECAUSE SHE IS JOINED A SWIM TEAM!!! Am I crazy you ask?? Actually, this time I am not as nervous about the time commitment because the gym where they will swim in not even a 1/2 mile from my house. Oddly an adult fitness center closed and a Kids Choice Gym replaced it. So I can actually be there in about 2 minutes. LOVE IT!!
August is still taking 2 dance classes but they on back to back on one of the days that Anna will swim. So mom will take her to dance, and I will go sweat it out at the pool, I already dread the smell of chorine.
School is tootling along. My 3 new teammates are amazing. They are young and adorable and bring lots of ideas and giggles to the table. My favorite part is that I have the daughter of a co-teacher in my class. I remember when this child was born! Time flies!
Both of my girlz are actually liking school and getting into a nice rhythm of homework and play. Anni has been going to Wednesday night Church since last year, and she is loving that again. Her first school friend goes and takes Anni so I get a little one on one time with Auggie.
I am already looking forward to our trip to NYC. We are taking the train this year just to mix it up. My back hurt so much when we came back from Hershey Park that I am afraid to chance it on another 4 hour drive. Plus, Amtrak is only 300.00 for all 4 of us to go. (mom goes) I haven't found a hotel yet. This year my mom wants to stay somewhere "fancy"..Whatever! Fancy in NYC is over 500.00 a night. The one hotel she really wanted was 1100.00 per night! Uhhmmm, no thank you!
I promised the girlz we would go camping again this year. But this time, we would spend the night. I have a friend who will let us use her tent, but something tells me, I might get a weeee bit nervous in the night. I looked at tear-drop campers online a while back, Cayuuuute! But no way, until I get a nice little savings in the bank, I am not buying anything.
Kitchen is still in process, so I am just hating my house, but we are sooo close. The countertops are getting put in very soon, and then it's a downhill slide..
So that's us at the beginning of the year. Not too bad!!
I am in grad school. Finally finishing my masters. Of the 24 hours of graduate credit that I have, none of them amount to anything I'd like to really study so I am just finishing with the MS in Early Childhood. I had hoped that at least a few of the classes could transfer into a History Masters, but no..
And I have searched literally every school on the east coast in hopes of finding a program in Russian History or Russian Studies, but everyone of them requires graduate level Russian. No matter how much Pimsleur or Rosetta Stone I do, I just won't be able to write and read in the language.
So I am just doing what is easiest and finishing up with elementary education with a focus on early childhood. I will be finished this year and then I can actually find a history program, and then work on a second masters later on..
Anna's foot is healed and she will begin dance this week. She is only taking tap. Why, you ask? BECAUSE SHE IS JOINED A SWIM TEAM!!! Am I crazy you ask?? Actually, this time I am not as nervous about the time commitment because the gym where they will swim in not even a 1/2 mile from my house. Oddly an adult fitness center closed and a Kids Choice Gym replaced it. So I can actually be there in about 2 minutes. LOVE IT!!
August is still taking 2 dance classes but they on back to back on one of the days that Anna will swim. So mom will take her to dance, and I will go sweat it out at the pool, I already dread the smell of chorine.
School is tootling along. My 3 new teammates are amazing. They are young and adorable and bring lots of ideas and giggles to the table. My favorite part is that I have the daughter of a co-teacher in my class. I remember when this child was born! Time flies!
Both of my girlz are actually liking school and getting into a nice rhythm of homework and play. Anni has been going to Wednesday night Church since last year, and she is loving that again. Her first school friend goes and takes Anni so I get a little one on one time with Auggie.
I am already looking forward to our trip to NYC. We are taking the train this year just to mix it up. My back hurt so much when we came back from Hershey Park that I am afraid to chance it on another 4 hour drive. Plus, Amtrak is only 300.00 for all 4 of us to go. (mom goes) I haven't found a hotel yet. This year my mom wants to stay somewhere "fancy"..Whatever! Fancy in NYC is over 500.00 a night. The one hotel she really wanted was 1100.00 per night! Uhhmmm, no thank you!
I promised the girlz we would go camping again this year. But this time, we would spend the night. I have a friend who will let us use her tent, but something tells me, I might get a weeee bit nervous in the night. I looked at tear-drop campers online a while back, Cayuuuute! But no way, until I get a nice little savings in the bank, I am not buying anything.
Kitchen is still in process, so I am just hating my house, but we are sooo close. The countertops are getting put in very soon, and then it's a downhill slide..
So that's us at the beginning of the year. Not too bad!!
Saturday, September 7, 2013
A Special Request
I know that everyone who may read this may not be on Facebook, but if you are, I have a request. Please find the page called
"Prayers For Ellie"
This child is really struggling with a brain disorder that is not actually diagnosed. They have been in and out of the hospital for several years now trying to figure out what is happening. Ellie is the daughter of the operations director and the children's ministry leader at my Church. They have been central in the lives of so many people at New Hope Church. When I came home from Russia with Anna, they were at the airport to greet us. This family adopted a child from Russia using my same agency and in a weird twist, they were the family that encouraged a single lady named Brenda to adopt. At my very first small group meeting, Brenda shared a video of a "referral" of her soon to be baby. I was secretly in the process of ending my marriage, and struggling with the fact that our fertility efforts were over. Brenda walked me through the idea of "single mom adoption" and Voila, here we are!
God works in the most crazy ways. I can't figure out what lesson we should be learning from Ellie's illness. Ellie was absolutely fine until about 2 and half years ago when she had her first seizure. It has rapidly gone down hill and she just left the hospital after an 11 day stay. This stay included brain surgery and a lung biopsy. At this point, she cannot eat/swallow, and is unsteady on her feet. She has 3 brothers and 1 sister and they are amazing in their efforts to keep her upbeat and positive, but her parents are terrified and drained from the amount of medical intervention and treatment required just to find a specific diagnosis. They are inches away from being part of a research study for children with brain conditions and need prayers as they begin that process...
I haven't been to Church all summer. My heart just wasn't in it. I have felt alone and isolated there. But this weekend, For Ellie, I am going back. God works through others to bring us together and I just want to "get over myself" and be at New Hope where I know I can find my way, again.. So take a look and Like the Page:
"Prayers For Ellie"
This child is really struggling with a brain disorder that is not actually diagnosed. They have been in and out of the hospital for several years now trying to figure out what is happening. Ellie is the daughter of the operations director and the children's ministry leader at my Church. They have been central in the lives of so many people at New Hope Church. When I came home from Russia with Anna, they were at the airport to greet us. This family adopted a child from Russia using my same agency and in a weird twist, they were the family that encouraged a single lady named Brenda to adopt. At my very first small group meeting, Brenda shared a video of a "referral" of her soon to be baby. I was secretly in the process of ending my marriage, and struggling with the fact that our fertility efforts were over. Brenda walked me through the idea of "single mom adoption" and Voila, here we are!
God works in the most crazy ways. I can't figure out what lesson we should be learning from Ellie's illness. Ellie was absolutely fine until about 2 and half years ago when she had her first seizure. It has rapidly gone down hill and she just left the hospital after an 11 day stay. This stay included brain surgery and a lung biopsy. At this point, she cannot eat/swallow, and is unsteady on her feet. She has 3 brothers and 1 sister and they are amazing in their efforts to keep her upbeat and positive, but her parents are terrified and drained from the amount of medical intervention and treatment required just to find a specific diagnosis. They are inches away from being part of a research study for children with brain conditions and need prayers as they begin that process...
I haven't been to Church all summer. My heart just wasn't in it. I have felt alone and isolated there. But this weekend, For Ellie, I am going back. God works through others to bring us together and I just want to "get over myself" and be at New Hope where I know I can find my way, again.. So take a look and Like the Page:
Sunday, September 1, 2013
I am thanking the sweet Lord that I was able to get to Norfolk this weekend for my sweet Aunt Nancy's memorial..
Got to spend a fabulous weekend with the Bill/Nancy family and it was wonderful! Promise to post pics of my gorgeous family soon..
I am home now to deal with a financial nightmare that has nearly brought me to tears..Let's just say, I am not happy about what has happened with my bank, and because it is a holiday, I can't call or do anything more until Tuesday..Oh yeah, that's the first day of school so I may not be able to do anything then either! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
Pray for me friends..I am THISSSSS close to a break down!
Got to spend a fabulous weekend with the Bill/Nancy family and it was wonderful! Promise to post pics of my gorgeous family soon..
I am home now to deal with a financial nightmare that has nearly brought me to tears..Let's just say, I am not happy about what has happened with my bank, and because it is a holiday, I can't call or do anything more until Tuesday..Oh yeah, that's the first day of school so I may not be able to do anything then either! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
Pray for me friends..I am THISSSSS close to a break down!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Never dreamed I would be rushing around for a last minute trip to Florida. Never in a million years did I think the expected would actually become the reality.
My only cousin on my mom's side. The son of her baby sister died yesterday. Suddenly. While at home. In her arms. While she tried desperately to bring him back with CPR.
He was gone before the ambulance arrived at the hospital. They worked on him with due diligence but in the end, it wasn't meant to be.
I put my mom on a plane to Tampa, where she drove the 2 additional hours to Gainesville. And now, I am heading to DMV to renew my license, (something I had forgotten all about) taking my dog to the vet, waiting here while the counter tops are being measured, only to get back later in the afternoon for the cable people to come and let me know why it doesn't work in the basement...I will be on a plane at 6 in the morning heading to Florida, to help support my aunt and my mom..
Darren was troubled for most of life. But it didn't stop anyone from loving him.
I wasn't especially close to him, but close to his mother who kept us in the loop about him.
Sometimes I think the poor kid was doomed with all the chaos that was going on in his early years. Then drugs came along, and he was deeply enveloped in a world that no one understood. Only recently after years in prison, and years of rehab, did it seem he was finally on the last legs of recovery. But we won't know for a while if he held fast to his recovery.
I think I am in shock. This is the first death in my family that I didn't see coming. He had lived a risky life for so long, I felt like he was a cat with nine lives. His mom, my mother's baby sister isolated herself in these past few years. She is not in great health, and with Darren, she could truly have a partner, nurse, helper, and friend. It was just the two of them for all these years, and with that comes the trappings of dysfunction on an almost epic level. My aunts heart was in the right place, but her boundaries weren't..
For me, I was most sad when I asked my mom "Isn't there anyone we can call to be with AuntieC until you get there?" and there wasn't. She was alone. Driven back to her home in a cab, only to enter the home where her beloved had just died...Just imagining it, makes me bawl like an infant. I wish there was a service to help the grieving to not be alone. The Jews sit Shiva, and most people who are a part of a Church gather around the family with food, and noise and diversions. Right now all she has is my mother.
My girlz are not going down for the funeral. The tickets to get us all there were 3000.00 and both girlz didn't want to go. This time, I don't think they should. Because of Darren's age, and the fact that I can't say, "He was old and lived a long life" I don't want to scare them. At my Grandmothers funeral, I got up to speak and read a scripture. As soon as I looked at my mother, I burst into tears in front of everyone. Anna yelled out from her seat, "MOOOmmmmmmmyyyy" and my sister and BFF Lee had to take care to settle the girlz down. Cause if momma cries, they cry. And I stood there in front of everyone trying to suck it up and get through my speech. I think I will be a mess at this funeral because of the situation, and I don't think I want to traumatize the girlz. Also, my sister got in from San Fran last night at midnight, and we picked her up, so the girlz are beat tired, and I simply don't have time to gather our stuff for a 6 AM flight. My sister is going to stay with the girlz and both of our dogs..
This is the worst part about being away from family.
Now my Aunt has no one down there, and we are hoping that she will come up here and spend some time. Her fragile health means she needs someone to watch over her, and I am hoping that she will accept my moms offer to come. She probably won't, and if she doesn't, I honestly feel she won't live another year. It's like when couples who have been married forever, and one of them passes away, the other passes away shortly after.
So that is where we are right now. Yesterday morning, my biggest concern was what color to choose for my countertops. Today, it seems ridiculous that I even stressed over it.
Pray for my Aunt if you are a
"Praying Kind of Person"....If not, just send as many positive vibes our way. This is going to be an impossible few days.
My only cousin on my mom's side. The son of her baby sister died yesterday. Suddenly. While at home. In her arms. While she tried desperately to bring him back with CPR.
He was gone before the ambulance arrived at the hospital. They worked on him with due diligence but in the end, it wasn't meant to be.
I put my mom on a plane to Tampa, where she drove the 2 additional hours to Gainesville. And now, I am heading to DMV to renew my license, (something I had forgotten all about) taking my dog to the vet, waiting here while the counter tops are being measured, only to get back later in the afternoon for the cable people to come and let me know why it doesn't work in the basement...I will be on a plane at 6 in the morning heading to Florida, to help support my aunt and my mom..
Darren was troubled for most of life. But it didn't stop anyone from loving him.
I wasn't especially close to him, but close to his mother who kept us in the loop about him.
Sometimes I think the poor kid was doomed with all the chaos that was going on in his early years. Then drugs came along, and he was deeply enveloped in a world that no one understood. Only recently after years in prison, and years of rehab, did it seem he was finally on the last legs of recovery. But we won't know for a while if he held fast to his recovery.
I think I am in shock. This is the first death in my family that I didn't see coming. He had lived a risky life for so long, I felt like he was a cat with nine lives. His mom, my mother's baby sister isolated herself in these past few years. She is not in great health, and with Darren, she could truly have a partner, nurse, helper, and friend. It was just the two of them for all these years, and with that comes the trappings of dysfunction on an almost epic level. My aunts heart was in the right place, but her boundaries weren't..
For me, I was most sad when I asked my mom "Isn't there anyone we can call to be with AuntieC until you get there?" and there wasn't. She was alone. Driven back to her home in a cab, only to enter the home where her beloved had just died...Just imagining it, makes me bawl like an infant. I wish there was a service to help the grieving to not be alone. The Jews sit Shiva, and most people who are a part of a Church gather around the family with food, and noise and diversions. Right now all she has is my mother.
My girlz are not going down for the funeral. The tickets to get us all there were 3000.00 and both girlz didn't want to go. This time, I don't think they should. Because of Darren's age, and the fact that I can't say, "He was old and lived a long life" I don't want to scare them. At my Grandmothers funeral, I got up to speak and read a scripture. As soon as I looked at my mother, I burst into tears in front of everyone. Anna yelled out from her seat, "MOOOmmmmmmmyyyy" and my sister and BFF Lee had to take care to settle the girlz down. Cause if momma cries, they cry. And I stood there in front of everyone trying to suck it up and get through my speech. I think I will be a mess at this funeral because of the situation, and I don't think I want to traumatize the girlz. Also, my sister got in from San Fran last night at midnight, and we picked her up, so the girlz are beat tired, and I simply don't have time to gather our stuff for a 6 AM flight. My sister is going to stay with the girlz and both of our dogs..
This is the worst part about being away from family.
Now my Aunt has no one down there, and we are hoping that she will come up here and spend some time. Her fragile health means she needs someone to watch over her, and I am hoping that she will accept my moms offer to come. She probably won't, and if she doesn't, I honestly feel she won't live another year. It's like when couples who have been married forever, and one of them passes away, the other passes away shortly after.
So that is where we are right now. Yesterday morning, my biggest concern was what color to choose for my countertops. Today, it seems ridiculous that I even stressed over it.
Pray for my Aunt if you are a
"Praying Kind of Person"....If not, just send as many positive vibes our way. This is going to be an impossible few days.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Guess What Deliciousness Is in My House?
So, guess what I have????
Ikea came and installed my new cabinets???
Guess who spent too much money and time at IKEA???
And everything that I thought I would want for the floor and counters are out! No patterns for either as the kitchen turned out to be more "sweet" then "Funky" as I expected. So now, I have to consider what I should do...
This is the only single counter on the opposite side of the kitchen

Ikea came and installed my new cabinets???
Guess who spent too much money and time at IKEA???
And everything that I thought I would want for the floor and counters are out! No patterns for either as the kitchen turned out to be more "sweet" then "Funky" as I expected. So now, I have to consider what I should do...
Here is the view from where you first walk in...
This is a view from the other end of the kitchen..
This is the only single counter on the opposite side of the kitchen

This is the view of my little corner.. You can see that we couldn't tear the walls down to the ceiling, somehow my builder guy told me there were support walls in there and we needed them. Whatever?
SO, what you put on the floor? What Would You do for counters??
Sunday, August 11, 2013
September Schedules...What's a Mom to do?
I have been on Facebook seeing lots and lots of "classes" that our little ones are involved in lately and it has me thinking, "What's the point?"
Our kids for the most part may have some level of talent in one area or another, but are they really going to be the next Sara Mearns of the NYCBallet? Probably not. Are they so talented in soccer that they will make the Olympic team? Yeah, I am thinking no to that one too..
So all of this taxiing we do and all of this stress we have to get our children to the places they belong, "Is it worth it?" Most kids will end their lessons when finishing high school, so why do it all now? Why not spend that time and money on something that will carry them through adulthood? Hmmm, but what is an activity that will hold them that long? What can a child begin now, that will be useful as an adult? I darn sure know, it Ain't tap lessons...
I watch a lot of Youtube videos, and what I have learned is that when a child is so self determined, so inwardly driven to do "insert activity" they will do it. They will practice alone when no one is watching. They will be ready and early for the drive. They will live for that activity. And are our kids truly "living" for the activities we put them in? For the most part, I know my girlz love dance. They don't LOVE ballet, but enjoy the fun they have with others. If I had my way, they would only take ballet. I mean really, how many times have you seen a tap dance ANY where except when your child is taking it? What could that tap class possibly teach your child that can extend to another activity..? As you can tell, I loathe tap class. It annoys me.
A new children's gym has opened by my house, and I would love for my girlz to join in there. Anna needs to swim so that she can drop some weight, and August is showing an interest in basketball. I have to look into it as I don't want to add anything rigid to our schedule..
So I wonder today, are there any Science clubs or Math teams out there? That would serve a purpose. Are there any Computer Teams out there that can teach my girlz to program?
On another note, we have been learning Russian together as a family. We have a CD program and it's fun and easy and we do it in the car. The girlz love it when they can put a Russian word into everyday conversation. We are just beginning but like it none the less.
I am going to go to the new gym down the road today to see what programs they have. It is so close we could almost walk there!
Our kids for the most part may have some level of talent in one area or another, but are they really going to be the next Sara Mearns of the NYCBallet? Probably not. Are they so talented in soccer that they will make the Olympic team? Yeah, I am thinking no to that one too..
So all of this taxiing we do and all of this stress we have to get our children to the places they belong, "Is it worth it?" Most kids will end their lessons when finishing high school, so why do it all now? Why not spend that time and money on something that will carry them through adulthood? Hmmm, but what is an activity that will hold them that long? What can a child begin now, that will be useful as an adult? I darn sure know, it Ain't tap lessons...
I watch a lot of Youtube videos, and what I have learned is that when a child is so self determined, so inwardly driven to do "insert activity" they will do it. They will practice alone when no one is watching. They will be ready and early for the drive. They will live for that activity. And are our kids truly "living" for the activities we put them in? For the most part, I know my girlz love dance. They don't LOVE ballet, but enjoy the fun they have with others. If I had my way, they would only take ballet. I mean really, how many times have you seen a tap dance ANY where except when your child is taking it? What could that tap class possibly teach your child that can extend to another activity..? As you can tell, I loathe tap class. It annoys me.
A new children's gym has opened by my house, and I would love for my girlz to join in there. Anna needs to swim so that she can drop some weight, and August is showing an interest in basketball. I have to look into it as I don't want to add anything rigid to our schedule..
So I wonder today, are there any Science clubs or Math teams out there? That would serve a purpose. Are there any Computer Teams out there that can teach my girlz to program?
On another note, we have been learning Russian together as a family. We have a CD program and it's fun and easy and we do it in the car. The girlz love it when they can put a Russian word into everyday conversation. We are just beginning but like it none the less.
I am going to go to the new gym down the road today to see what programs they have. It is so close we could almost walk there!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

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August took this picture of me. |
Dad sent the most amazing gift. It is a book about the Kremlin that he bought on his first trip to Russia. He went in the mid 80's for the first time. The book is written in Russian in the front, and English in the back. It's awesome, and another cool thing to add to my collection!
I finished summer school and have almost finished setting up my classroom. One good thing about not going away is that I am super focused on next year already. I have been working on plans and matching those with the assessments and report card standards. I want to be clear for next year. This year is my 20th year in FCPS, (my 23rd year in total)and I want it to be my most amazing! We are getting 3 new teachers on our team, so the 2 original Kindie teachers need to get all set up so we can help them out. My coworker and I are going back up tomorrow to work on planning and making sure we have everything ready to share.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013
She has been known as MA-Sparkles for years..Her kindergarten teacher gave her that name, and it stuck..
She is also, Anni, On, Anechka, Loo-loo, bunny, and a variety of other silly names I come up with..
Today she is 10. And our day will be all about her..
American girl for lunch, maybe even a movie..
A look back can tell you so much about this soulful child of mine..
She is also, Anni, On, Anechka, Loo-loo, bunny, and a variety of other silly names I come up with..
Today she is 10. And our day will be all about her..
American girl for lunch, maybe even a movie..
A look back can tell you so much about this soulful child of mine..
Happy 10th Birthday My Love!
I am not sure I can even explain how a woman feels when a doctor says the word, "surrogate" to her. Especially when that woman is being dragged out from the most amazing drug induced surgical sleep...Honestly, if I remember one thing most, it would be being hungry. Starving. And even in a drug induced stupor, I remember begging my sister to go downstairs to get me a cheeseburger. And I remember my mother's bracelets jingling as she stroked my forehead..
My next memory was arriving at my home. A home that was stripped of exactly one half of its contents. One half of the furnishings, one half of the tools and extras, and best, most of the food in the fridge. Yes, my idiot X took the food from our home. The cupboard was bare. At that point the only thing I could think of was how much time I would get in the county lockup if I were to lets say, "accidently" run him over with my car, 3 or 4 times. But thankfully, my sister was there to keep me from driving.
It was the summer and I had weeks to sit in my misery. Weeks to roll around ideas and replace what my idiot had taken. Weeks to surrender to it all. Thankfully, I did surrender to it. I gave it all up. I had fought the good fight. Some might say divorce is losing, but for me, I know I won. Not in the "I took him to the cleaners and got a hefty pay-out" more like, "I got out of that toxic, painful, lopsided, hurtful, relationship relatively unscathed."
In August I had surgery. On the last business day that December I was divorced. January 1st I mailed in my adoption application.
I can't measure the heartache of divorce simply because the marriage was much more painful.
I never knew that adoption was a real option for me. Soon after the darkest time in my life, I found out that not only was it an option, it was to become the "dawn" that so many cliché's are based on.. It really is true,
"It's always darkest before the dawn.."
My next memory was arriving at my home. A home that was stripped of exactly one half of its contents. One half of the furnishings, one half of the tools and extras, and best, most of the food in the fridge. Yes, my idiot X took the food from our home. The cupboard was bare. At that point the only thing I could think of was how much time I would get in the county lockup if I were to lets say, "accidently" run him over with my car, 3 or 4 times. But thankfully, my sister was there to keep me from driving.
It was the summer and I had weeks to sit in my misery. Weeks to roll around ideas and replace what my idiot had taken. Weeks to surrender to it all. Thankfully, I did surrender to it. I gave it all up. I had fought the good fight. Some might say divorce is losing, but for me, I know I won. Not in the "I took him to the cleaners and got a hefty pay-out" more like, "I got out of that toxic, painful, lopsided, hurtful, relationship relatively unscathed."
In August I had surgery. On the last business day that December I was divorced. January 1st I mailed in my adoption application.
I can't measure the heartache of divorce simply because the marriage was much more painful.
I never knew that adoption was a real option for me. Soon after the darkest time in my life, I found out that not only was it an option, it was to become the "dawn" that so many cliché's are based on.. It really is true,
"It's always darkest before the dawn.."
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Chocolaty Fun
Since we decided to put off Disney World until Christmas, I have planned several little "stay-cation" trips around here. We just got back from Hershey Pennsylvania. And it was Swweeetttt!
I really lucked out in the hotel I chose. It was pretty much across the street from the Park and had a shuttle that took you back and forth all day. And the shuttle took literally 5 minutes to make the trip.
Mom and the girlz and I went to Chocolate World on the day we got to Hershey. It is totally perfect for young kids. There is a cool ride, some interactive activities, and lots of shopping. The best was the 4D movie. Those have become my absolute favorite. When the characters met up with the JollyRancher the whole theater smelled fruity, when the little "no-bots" came along the seats had little rubbery bands that popped out and blew air on your legs, and when the characters were in the chocolate factory the whole place smelled like chocolate. At the end of the movie, there was a celebration and confetti and bubbles flew out. It was truly awesome. We spent a few hours checking out the activities and had lunch there. We went back to meet my sister at the hotel, and went swimming and visited. Then later we went over to see the Park for our preview night.

Hershey Park is more "thrill-ride" centered than we are used to. So the cute easy going rides like Small World arent' there. Hershey Park reminds me of an old school amusement park. The cool thing that they do is allow you to go into the park for 3 hours on the night before you plan to come. They call it a preview night. I was so glad that we did this. It gave us a chance to see a few things and get a feel for the park before hand.
Anni found the one ride that I wish I could still ride. The Swings! I used to ride this ride over and over when I was her age. At my age now, I can barely watch it without feeling sea-sick. She rode this ride about 5 times while we were there. It was awesome!
AugustRose was nervous and backed out of most of the high intensity rides. She chose some of the low key rides on our preview night. My sis and Annie rode a big ole roller coaster and a few other scary rides. I wish more than anything I could ride like I used to, but my tummy won't allow it.
The weather was very gloomy, thank goodness, because we would have been miserable if it would have been hot. We went to the park the next day and slowly worked our
way through most of the 'doable' rides. Midway through the day, we went to the waterpark that is inside the park. It was fun, and we could have actually spent all day there, but we just never felt comfortable leaving all of our belongings on a chair. They had lockers, but we just always had someone hanging out with our stuff so we felt better about it. The girlz did this really cool surfing thing at one point. I just knew August would back out, but because we weren't in the line with her, she couldn't. And I know she was so proud of herself for doing it.
After the water park, we went back to the hotel for a rest. Mom was sort of done and we all wanted to change out of our bathing suites. We got a chance to lay around before we went back to the park. It had been raining a tiny bit, but was overcast all day. Even still, I got sunburned.
We went back and the most amazing thing happened. AUGUST RODE A GIANT ROLLER COASTER! Mom didn't ride it, but I did. So we all had a blast! It was called the Comet. (The video is not us, just a point of reference!) It was amazing. August said afterward, "I feel so alive!" We were all so excited that she did it!
The evenings are not crowded at all, so we got a chance to play endless games, ride any ride with a short or no wait, and the cool evening weather was lovely. We stayed until almost closing and left with wonderful memories. I highly recommend Hershey for local families. It was a great first "stay-cation" destination!
I really lucked out in the hotel I chose. It was pretty much across the street from the Park and had a shuttle that took you back and forth all day. And the shuttle took literally 5 minutes to make the trip.

Hershey Park is more "thrill-ride" centered than we are used to. So the cute easy going rides like Small World arent' there. Hershey Park reminds me of an old school amusement park. The cool thing that they do is allow you to go into the park for 3 hours on the night before you plan to come. They call it a preview night. I was so glad that we did this. It gave us a chance to see a few things and get a feel for the park before hand.
Anni found the one ride that I wish I could still ride. The Swings! I used to ride this ride over and over when I was her age. At my age now, I can barely watch it without feeling sea-sick. She rode this ride about 5 times while we were there. It was awesome!
AugustRose was nervous and backed out of most of the high intensity rides. She chose some of the low key rides on our preview night. My sis and Annie rode a big ole roller coaster and a few other scary rides. I wish more than anything I could ride like I used to, but my tummy won't allow it.

way through most of the 'doable' rides. Midway through the day, we went to the waterpark that is inside the park. It was fun, and we could have actually spent all day there, but we just never felt comfortable leaving all of our belongings on a chair. They had lockers, but we just always had someone hanging out with our stuff so we felt better about it. The girlz did this really cool surfing thing at one point. I just knew August would back out, but because we weren't in the line with her, she couldn't. And I know she was so proud of herself for doing it.
After the water park, we went back to the hotel for a rest. Mom was sort of done and we all wanted to change out of our bathing suites. We got a chance to lay around before we went back to the park. It had been raining a tiny bit, but was overcast all day. Even still, I got sunburned.
The evenings are not crowded at all, so we got a chance to play endless games, ride any ride with a short or no wait, and the cool evening weather was lovely. We stayed until almost closing and left with wonderful memories. I highly recommend Hershey for local families. It was a great first "stay-cation" destination!
The GreenGirlz
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Lately I have felt some irritation with blog etiquette. Most of the blogs I read are adoption related and recently I had one of those blog authors delete my comment. It had happened before but I thought maybe I had made an error when typing in my comment. So it got me thinking. And what I came up with is ** the blogger world is an awful lot like the "In Real Life" world. There are those people out there who are jealous, insecure, and hold their heads way too high and it just takes some time to figure it out.. I only ever commented on this blog because I have specific information about teaching. I don't tend to give parenting advice only a technique here or there that has worked in our house.
Needless to say, I don't comment on that blog anymore. If I am honest, I don't quite relate to this blogger. There is a lot I don't know about this particular mom, but the one thing I do know is that homeschooling is her preference. And homeschooling is something I don't think I could ever understand. I'd never want to be my girlz only source of learning. I respect the institution of education too much to put myself above it. Anyhoo, I am glad I learned that this blogger prefers that I don't comment. It gives me time to read other bloggers who enjoy feedback.
Sometimes I see these little pics on Facebook and I laugh out loud. Let me share in case you need a laugh or two..
Needless to say, I don't comment on that blog anymore. If I am honest, I don't quite relate to this blogger. There is a lot I don't know about this particular mom, but the one thing I do know is that homeschooling is her preference. And homeschooling is something I don't think I could ever understand. I'd never want to be my girlz only source of learning. I respect the institution of education too much to put myself above it. Anyhoo, I am glad I learned that this blogger prefers that I don't comment. It gives me time to read other bloggers who enjoy feedback.
Sometimes I see these little pics on Facebook and I laugh out loud. Let me share in case you need a laugh or two..
Friday, June 21, 2013
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
I mentioned earlier that my dad sold his beach house. And now, on my last day of school I am finding myself terribly sad about it. I have always gone to the beach with my girlz in the summer. I have always removed myself from my "real life" and headed to a make believe life of fabulous wonder...And now, I am staying home and teaching summer school.
Spoiled? Yeah, I think so..
Spoiled? Yeah, I think so..
Saturday, June 8, 2013
For some unholy reason, I am up at 6 in the morning..
And that has given me some time to sit and ponder.
I think we should all ponder every now and again. It's good for the soul.
For me, I have been thinking a lot about trauma.
And not for my daughters as of yet. I don't know if I am being naïve or if I am just ignoring the inevitable, but I don't think my girlz are going to suffer as a result of their being adopted. As I have shared before, I am from a pretty tiny small farming town in Florida and I personally grew up with 6 friends in my direct peer group who were adopted. At that time, all of the adoptions in Florida happened with the help of Children's Home Society, not international and all at infancy.
Of those friends, I know that 2 of them have done searches for their birth family and found them. Those 2 friends had very successful results and have found an additional layer of family that they are happy to join. The others haven't been interested in birth family searches.
What I wonder is what makes an adoptee want to search, or not.
Next year I will be a part of a group of teachers who will do a trauma study and I am hoping that the information and research will be applicable to adoption. I have never been one to assume that because my girlz were adopted that they endured trauma. I just don't buy it. Additionally, I am in the small group of people who didn't see them suffering in their orphanages.
I understand that there could have been more care, more attention, more touching, more one to one interaction. But that is the case with many bio families. I have seen it with my own eyes after 23 years in the classroom! I don't want anyone to think I am saying that orphanages are great places, I am just saying that Anna was given special care. Her caregiver wrote me letters after the adoption, so I know she was loved and cared for while in the orphanage. August was a wee bit older, and had a rigid schedule with lots of therapies and one on one interaction. Even if it was in a therapeutic setting, she was given face time and that added to her feelings of being cared for. Just as my students are. I know that some of my very students have a sense of "being loved" even if it's just during the day.
Some adoptive parents consider the "transition" from orphanage to adoptive parents as the trauma. Again, I just don't see it.
Anna who cried every time she saw me walk into her room at the orphanage stopped crying the moment we got into the car to leave. She clung to me like a spider monkey, and from that moment on, she looked to me as the person who made her STOP crying and not vice versa. Sorry for the picture quality. It just shows that Anni stopped crying. And if you look close, you can see I started crying. Tears of absolute joy. A b s o l u t e...
will continue next time...
And that has given me some time to sit and ponder.
I think we should all ponder every now and again. It's good for the soul.
For me, I have been thinking a lot about trauma.
And not for my daughters as of yet. I don't know if I am being naïve or if I am just ignoring the inevitable, but I don't think my girlz are going to suffer as a result of their being adopted. As I have shared before, I am from a pretty tiny small farming town in Florida and I personally grew up with 6 friends in my direct peer group who were adopted. At that time, all of the adoptions in Florida happened with the help of Children's Home Society, not international and all at infancy.
Of those friends, I know that 2 of them have done searches for their birth family and found them. Those 2 friends had very successful results and have found an additional layer of family that they are happy to join. The others haven't been interested in birth family searches.
What I wonder is what makes an adoptee want to search, or not.
Next year I will be a part of a group of teachers who will do a trauma study and I am hoping that the information and research will be applicable to adoption. I have never been one to assume that because my girlz were adopted that they endured trauma. I just don't buy it. Additionally, I am in the small group of people who didn't see them suffering in their orphanages.
I understand that there could have been more care, more attention, more touching, more one to one interaction. But that is the case with many bio families. I have seen it with my own eyes after 23 years in the classroom! I don't want anyone to think I am saying that orphanages are great places, I am just saying that Anna was given special care. Her caregiver wrote me letters after the adoption, so I know she was loved and cared for while in the orphanage. August was a wee bit older, and had a rigid schedule with lots of therapies and one on one interaction. Even if it was in a therapeutic setting, she was given face time and that added to her feelings of being cared for. Just as my students are. I know that some of my very students have a sense of "being loved" even if it's just during the day.
Some adoptive parents consider the "transition" from orphanage to adoptive parents as the trauma. Again, I just don't see it.
Anna who cried every time she saw me walk into her room at the orphanage stopped crying the moment we got into the car to leave. She clung to me like a spider monkey, and from that moment on, she looked to me as the person who made her STOP crying and not vice versa. Sorry for the picture quality. It just shows that Anni stopped crying. And if you look close, you can see I started crying. Tears of absolute joy. A b s o l u t e...
will continue next time...
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Winding Down...
12 More Days until Summer. And I cannot wait. On a discouraging note, We had to put off our Disney Trip. We are bummed about it, but our offer of free dining starts at the end of September and I am just too worried to spend all that money on the food if we go in the summer. I am still doing my kitchen, so I just can't make both work. We are thinking of spending Christmas at WDW. It seems so exciting, and we would save 700.oo a person on free dining, Win-Win!
So now we can plan some fun local trips. We are already set to go to Kings Dominion. I have a couple of free tix from my union, and my sister is taking a group of school students so we can do that on the cheap. I am also planning a trip to Hershey Park. We have never been there so it should be a good time. And who doesn't love a town based solely on the chocolate bar!
Right now we are gearing up for recital season at our dance studio. We had pictures recently and although I normally don't like makeup for my girlz, it does really enhance their pale winter faces..
So now we can plan some fun local trips. We are already set to go to Kings Dominion. I have a couple of free tix from my union, and my sister is taking a group of school students so we can do that on the cheap. I am also planning a trip to Hershey Park. We have never been there so it should be a good time. And who doesn't love a town based solely on the chocolate bar!
Right now we are gearing up for recital season at our dance studio. We had pictures recently and although I normally don't like makeup for my girlz, it does really enhance their pale winter faces..
My camera died during Anni's picture time, so we have a sweet lil' pic of Auggie. She is so sweet in this pic.You cannot imagine how hard it was to get lipstick on those tiny little lips. I actually had to lay her down on my bed so I could line her mouth without having any movement!!
We have 3 dances for each girl in 2 different shows. Yeah, I am inhaling deep as I think about that looong day. The good news is that I will be out of school for the stage rehearsals and the actual shows.
I have been thinking about all the appointments I can catch up on during the summer.
*Dentist for all
*Physical Therapy for my back
*My ObGyn Yearly Exam, except I'm not really sure what they will check,
This will be the first year since I became a mother that I won't be in Florida. And there is a huge sense of sadness that is lingering in my mind. I could spend the summer at Dad's river house, but it's not the same. And I really need to work this year. Although I will miss the beach terribly, I think my practical side tells me to "get over myself" and do what I need to do so that I am not put in a financial bind. Dad will visit and we can spend time at our pool, so it will be fine. The key is that we relax in the summer. I need to spend all of my time focusing on all the motherly things that are difficult during the year.
We aren't the type to schedule a million activities to keep my girlz busy. The beauty of both of my girlz is that they are very keen on handing out. I learned very early that it isn't going to "insert theme park/water park/movie/special place that costs money" that brings the most joy to my girlz. Honestly, it's just being together. I have said it a million times, we do it old school. Playing in the neighborhood with school friends is the highlight of the weekend, so having the chance to do that everyday will be awesome for my girlz.
I think we all have friends who can barely deal with their kids on a regular Saturday. These families are the ones who spend every waking hour searching for ways to entertain their little ones, so they don't have to. It's funny that I did that one year, and I was never more miserable. What I found out later was that the girlz were fine to go, but told me, "We did it to make you happy." And my heart broke. I thought they really wanted to be that busy.. I say these families are addicted to activity, and the children have no idea how to entertain themselves. And that leads to these addicted children saying, "I'm BORED!" a million times a day. And the worst part is that as these children get older, they can list every activity they'd like to do. Most of them cost money.
I got some great advice years ago. The mom said, "Don't buy something big or enroll your kids into an activity unless they beg you for it for a year!" She was right. I wanted to buy my girlz a Wii, a long time ago. They saw the commercials and just HAD to have it. The Christmas season came that year and I didn't get it for them, and once the commercials faded away, so did the girlz desire to have it.
Luckily my sister bought it and they get to play it when they go to her house. And playing it there gives them their fill of it..
I have non teacher friends who dread the summer. Because they have to "deal" with their kids. I am not sure if it's because I am with other people's kids all year or what, but I just don't mind it. If I am home, I think it's natural to have my girlz with me. Maybe it's because I started late and then adopted. I always feel like I have a special, different kind of love for my girlz. I don't know, maybe every mom feels this way.
So as we count down the days, let's all keep our fingers crossed that my hundred year old AC makes it through another HOT Nova summer!!
Off Topic
Wondering why you block your blog? And then visit mine?
I would think you would be proud to be moving in with someone. I would think if you love this next guy enough to post it on Face Book, you would post it to the world on your blog?
But that is just me, I am an upfront kind of girl.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Camping Fun
I started this blog to share, and after leaving my other blog, I knew that this one would be about our family as a whole, and not just adoptive stuff. We don't have many adoption related issues in our family, so this blog serves as my scrapbook if you will. So going private on my blog made me realize that who ever is stalking me is sort of winning. Although I am not competitive, I am determined. And by that I mean, I will fight through what feels like a personal attack and not actually a professional one. I have contacted and have the support of the professionals established to help teachers when things like this happen, so I kind of feel like I will not let fear take away my 1st Amendment right to express myself, whether I am a teacher or not. It's sort of ridiculous anyway. The person who complained about the blog was never really a friend, as much as they pretended to be, so in the grand scheme of things, I have to ask, "Who cares?"
So onto the good stuff...
I did the thing that I swore I would never do..
Actually, I didn't fully commit to it. We went day camping.
I had no idea how fun it would be, as I really don't think I am outdoorsy, but this was truly awesome.
The beauty in this area are the national parks. Growing up, we really didn't have many large parks like we have here. Well, there are the beaches but you get where I am going..
We got up and packed smore stuff, and drinks and snacks. It's very cool here so we got blankets and chairs. I went to the Dollar Store and got all sorts of nets and insect containers and we headed to Burke Lake. It was such a beautiful day. Cool enough for a light jacket, and the sun warmed the air just enough. The cicadas are here, but they stay near the ground, so no worries there..
Burke Lake has a train and carousel and tons of playgrounds dotted here and there. After we had ice cream and took a ride on the train with our group, we headed to our campsite.
There were 3 families and we had packed our cars as if we were moving in forever. Our campsite was in a wooded area with a playground just a quick walk away.
Hippy Teacher brought her tent and the kids loved pretending to be a thousand miles from civilization. All the kids were loving it. We hung out and made hot dogs and grilled cheeses on the fire, and then had a Disco Party in the tent. Lilz was a riot. (another teacher's baby girl) She is growing up so much. Another family came by with their daughter, so our campsite was chock full of little ones. Rolling Thunder is in town, and I think we scared THEM with our glow stix and silly songs and games.
The dads took the kids to the playground, and that gave the moms a chance to catch up and chat..I miss our time of 3..Our conversations are so easy. Mainly because each of us know that our hearts are with our children. All of us can always find fun ways to share ideas from Pinterest and the web, and each of knows that we are doing our best to bring our "Happy Momma Love" into our class rooms..
The kids came back and we made Smores, and kicked up the Glow Stick action. It was awesome.
We hung out in the darkness, and enjoyed the beauty of the fire..Winding down around 10, we packed up and said Goodnight to our little family of friends. Of course Anna said, "this is the perfect day" at least 3 times. She is such a gr8ful child. And while she was taking care of the little ones, Auggie and I got in some quality hula-hoop time. AR showed no fears while we were camping. I though she might over worry about snakes or bug bites, but no..That tells me that she was feeling good...

It was a most needed, perfect day!

I did the thing that I swore I would never do..
Actually, I didn't fully commit to it. We went day camping.
I had no idea how fun it would be, as I really don't think I am outdoorsy, but this was truly awesome.
The beauty in this area are the national parks. Growing up, we really didn't have many large parks like we have here. Well, there are the beaches but you get where I am going..
We got up and packed smore stuff, and drinks and snacks. It's very cool here so we got blankets and chairs. I went to the Dollar Store and got all sorts of nets and insect containers and we headed to Burke Lake. It was such a beautiful day. Cool enough for a light jacket, and the sun warmed the air just enough. The cicadas are here, but they stay near the ground, so no worries there..
Burke Lake has a train and carousel and tons of playgrounds dotted here and there. After we had ice cream and took a ride on the train with our group, we headed to our campsite.
There were 3 families and we had packed our cars as if we were moving in forever. Our campsite was in a wooded area with a playground just a quick walk away.
Hippy Teacher brought her tent and the kids loved pretending to be a thousand miles from civilization. All the kids were loving it. We hung out and made hot dogs and grilled cheeses on the fire, and then had a Disco Party in the tent. Lilz was a riot. (another teacher's baby girl) She is growing up so much. Another family came by with their daughter, so our campsite was chock full of little ones. Rolling Thunder is in town, and I think we scared THEM with our glow stix and silly songs and games.
The dads took the kids to the playground, and that gave the moms a chance to catch up and chat..I miss our time of 3..Our conversations are so easy. Mainly because each of us know that our hearts are with our children. All of us can always find fun ways to share ideas from Pinterest and the web, and each of knows that we are doing our best to bring our "Happy Momma Love" into our class rooms..

We hung out in the darkness, and enjoyed the beauty of the fire..Winding down around 10, we packed up and said Goodnight to our little family of friends. Of course Anna said, "this is the perfect day" at least 3 times. She is such a gr8ful child. And while she was taking care of the little ones, Auggie and I got in some quality hula-hoop time. AR showed no fears while we were camping. I though she might over worry about snakes or bug bites, but no..That tells me that she was feeling good...

It was a most needed, perfect day!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Down Low
After last week's cosmic collision between my personal life and my professional life, I have decided very sadly, that for a while, I will be taking this blog private. I don't want to, and yet until I feel completely protected, I won't open it up.. If I end up leaving this blog, I may go back to my old one.. Who knows, I just know that if I have to end up "splainin' myself" again, like Lucy constantly did to Ricky, I will go
I am still in "talks" and dealing with this very blog at my job, and only put this here, So that my adoptive friends, friends from high school and on, and lovers of Russia will come on the down low with me.. It breaks my heart, but I am taking care of it on my end. As I said, I am not protected.
If you would like and invitation to my blog, I beg you to email me. I promise to invite you. (With the exception of my work stalker...)
BTW, My back is still raging. I go to the doctor on Wednesday. Pray for bucket loads of spinal blocks, and MRI results that mean something..I gotta say, this week, It ain't looking good..
I am still in "talks" and dealing with this very blog at my job, and only put this here, So that my adoptive friends, friends from high school and on, and lovers of Russia will come on the down low with me.. It breaks my heart, but I am taking care of it on my end. As I said, I am not protected.
If you would like and invitation to my blog, I beg you to email me. I promise to invite you. (With the exception of my work stalker...)
BTW, My back is still raging. I go to the doctor on Wednesday. Pray for bucket loads of spinal blocks, and MRI results that mean something..I gotta say, this week, It ain't looking good..
Friday, May 17, 2013
AugustRose celebrated her 7th birthday this week. Gosh she is growing up so much. It seems like yesterday we were in Novosibirsk in the midst of a blizzard trying desperately to pack on short notice.
We were only in the region for a couple of days after court and headed to Moscow in a flash. August was stick thin, but tall as a beanpole. She was walking, but because none of her shoes fit, I carried her for most of the trip.
My mom, my sister, Anni, and myself stayed in an apartment in Moscow, and although there were several meltdowns by all of us on various days, we enjoyed pretending to live in the big city..
Our airport experience is always horrible in Moscow.
One piece of luggage was 3 or 4 pounds over, and the other piece was 10 or so pounds under. Yet they made me switch out items so that both items were weighted evenly.We hit the jackpot upon getting to our seats on the plane. The "stu" told my mom and sister to take the seats in front of our own. So we had our four seats in the middle and four more seats in front of that.
We were all suffering from a bit of jetlag so an hour or so after take-off, Mom and my sister spread out and went to sleep. I remember it being too warm on the plane, and both girlz were sweaty in their snow clothes. I got them stripped down and spread them out on our seats and we had the most glorious naps. It was the best flight. We got stuck in the airport in NYC. We ended up waiting there for almost 10 hours beyond what we were scheduled to wait. When we finally got on the plane it was one of those puddle jumpers. I had what I think was my first real panic attack. Leave it to my sister to have valium or xanex..I spent that whole flight with my head between my legs. There was just so little room, and we were the last onto the plane so we had to hold everything. Including August. (At that point she was young enough to fly in my lap)
Regardless of the details, my memories of Russia are blissful. I enjoyed life with my "Adoption-Colored" glasses on. My time in Russia was the highlight of my life.
And this week, my little one, my spunky child turned 7. She is just a silly willy mess and I love her more than my luggage.
Poppy giving Auggie her birthday shirt! Very soon, we won't be going to get the yearly Gymboree shirt. My little one is growing so much!
We were only in the region for a couple of days after court and headed to Moscow in a flash. August was stick thin, but tall as a beanpole. She was walking, but because none of her shoes fit, I carried her for most of the trip.
My mom, my sister, Anni, and myself stayed in an apartment in Moscow, and although there were several meltdowns by all of us on various days, we enjoyed pretending to live in the big city..
Our airport experience is always horrible in Moscow.
One piece of luggage was 3 or 4 pounds over, and the other piece was 10 or so pounds under. Yet they made me switch out items so that both items were weighted evenly.We hit the jackpot upon getting to our seats on the plane. The "stu" told my mom and sister to take the seats in front of our own. So we had our four seats in the middle and four more seats in front of that.
We were all suffering from a bit of jetlag so an hour or so after take-off, Mom and my sister spread out and went to sleep. I remember it being too warm on the plane, and both girlz were sweaty in their snow clothes. I got them stripped down and spread them out on our seats and we had the most glorious naps. It was the best flight. We got stuck in the airport in NYC. We ended up waiting there for almost 10 hours beyond what we were scheduled to wait. When we finally got on the plane it was one of those puddle jumpers. I had what I think was my first real panic attack. Leave it to my sister to have valium or xanex..I spent that whole flight with my head between my legs. There was just so little room, and we were the last onto the plane so we had to hold everything. Including August. (At that point she was young enough to fly in my lap)
Regardless of the details, my memories of Russia are blissful. I enjoyed life with my "Adoption-Colored" glasses on. My time in Russia was the highlight of my life.
And this week, my little one, my spunky child turned 7. She is just a silly willy mess and I love her more than my luggage.
Poppy giving Auggie her birthday shirt! Very soon, we won't be going to get the yearly Gymboree shirt. My little one is growing so much!
Pre Birthday balloon and cake time. For the record, the balloon went outside and lasted all of 4 minutes. Glad I have this picture!
So the week ended with love in my heart for the gal I found in central Siberia. My soviet princess, my darling, my love, my angel, you have forever changed me. You have given this momma's heart a reason to beat a lil' bit harder. Happy Birthay Auggie Lee! Momma loves and adores you.
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