Saturday, June 23, 2012


I have begun to re-read the book, the 5 Love Languages of Children again. I started it a couple of times, skimmed it and never really gave the book the credit it deserved. So I have begun again to really put my head and heart into it. What I thought would be crystal clear is starting to be a wee bit cloudy as I try to narrow down each of the love languages of my girlz. Just like the book written about adults, the children's version helps parents to find the keys to that magical question: Does my child feel loved?
(from the cover)

Want to know the secede to making sure your child feels loved?
Kids desperately need to know how much you love them. But if you don't know their special "love languages," you might as well be speaking gibberish. Every child expresses and receives love best through one of the five communication styles.
  • Quality Time
  • Words of Affirmation
  • Gifts
  • Acts of Service
  • Physical Touch
If your love language is different from your children's you'd better learn to translate-fast. Or you could miss your chance to meet their deepest emotional needs. Discover how to express unconditional feeling of respect, affection and commitment that will resonate in their souls - and inspire them for the rest of their lives.

Sounds good huh? I highly suggest it for adoptive and bio parents. We all do our absolute best to love our children. But if we don't educate ourselves on what our children truly need, then we can't be 100% sure that our hugs and kisses or our gifts or our words are really hitting the mark. It's a chance I don't want to take!

 And because I am saddled with the heaviest case of ADD lately, the book got me thinking about what I show my girlz. Not like TV or movies, but what I DO, and what that is showing them.
Firstly, I smoke. Yes, a dirt bag, disgusting habit. And as soon as I get to Florida, I am quitting again. It's easier there. I mean come on, it's freakin' paradise, everything is easier there. Smoking shows the children that I depend on something dangerous. And I hate that they worry about it's health effects.

 But back to what I am getting at, I am on the computer too much, and that is one area, where I want to ease up on. Given the choice, my girlz love to play outside. It actually is a blessing, as they are out til dark pretty much every night. So it's not as if they would chose to play on the pooter rather than play with friends outside, but both girlz prefer it to, let's say, picking up a book... And I am not showing them the importance of reading. (I read like a crazy person during the summer, but during the school year, not so much)

And that line of thought led me to think about how I am  too much value on the way the girlz look.
I don't pick out their clothes each day, and I am lucky if AugustRose wears underwear to Church, but I question myself because I am forever hanging photographs of the girlz on the walls, and when they are dolled up, I take photos.
So this week, as we are  packing for Florida and cleaning from baseboards to ceilings, I decided to hang up their end of the year testing scores. By the way, my big girl rec'd pass advanced on 3 out of 4 of her state required SOL tests. And in science, she only missed 1 question! Little AugustRose scored nearly perfect on the Pals test. It felt good to show the girlz their framed tests. I want them to know how much I value their schoolwork. I want them to look at those results each day and know that not only does Mommy love a cute smile in a photograph, but Mommy also loves a job well done at school.

I think it is critical to show young girlz that it is not about their looks and the right pose in a photograph. In my eyes, it's never to early to set the bar high and praise them for all of their academic efforts.

              Anni's SOL scores and the medal she rec'd at school for doing so well on the tests.

As I said earlier, I read non-stop in the summer. I love the smell of books, and because I have the time, I crave reading. Normally I read around 10 to 15 books in a summer. The ADD is usually overtaken by OCD and instead of washing my hands a thousand times a day, I read! But the change this year is that I am going to read my own books, and at night I will read to the girlz. We have never read a chapter book aloud as a family. I chose my favorite book George Seldon's Cricket in Times Square as an anchor book. But I won't start with it. We will start with Harry Kitten and Tucker Mouse. Cricket in Times Square will be next. Then Tucker's Countryside.
I look forward to August learning how to listen to a story that doesn't end in one night. I love it when the girlz look at the words as I am reading them. Their eyes following along on the page. At August's age, she will just fast enough to follow, but not fast enough to go ahead of me.
I am going to let the girlz make one diorama at the end of reading all 3 stories. Since each of them connects to the other, it won't be hard to do. And you know lil kids love a project!

It's been a long year, and boy oh boy I am glad it's over! But now, it's a fresh new day, and summer is here, We leave for Florida on Monday so Life is grand!


Monday, June 18, 2012


Today is make it break it day. I have an interview with my dream school. I got up and said my prayers. Now I have to get ready.
Oh, I shouldn't be up this early because it only 11 minutes to get there.

I am so nervous. I haven't beent his nervous to interview for a very long time. Good sign? I don't know. But the fact that I could be home to get my girlz off the bus everyday if I were to get this job makes it perfect.

Send me good vibes blogger world!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Welcome Heart

It's been a few months, and I have really missed writing. I have truly  felt like my life has been on hold waiting for a PlanBee to come along. And it never did. To top it off, I have been sort of stuck in the middle of a situation that has kept my heart on hold. Hold that thought though, I'll explain it later...
to my new blog!

But today, the Saturday after my last day with students, I feel like I have really found my path again. And oddly the path is right outside my door. Teaching in Russia is out. And even if I were to get a job there, it wouldn't make sense to go. My mom had a mild stroke a few months ago, and with the ability to get her to a hospital and have quick care, she is just fine. Not sure I would have gotten that in Russia. And then there's my dad. He comes up from Florida about every other weekend. Yep, you heard that right. What I find so funny is before I had children he came up about 3 times a year..Now I am not saying he doesn't love my sister and I, I am just saying that my daughters have made him waayyyy more eager to get here! Just sayin!
I can't forget about Auntie..She is really trying to get back to her path too. After going through her breakup with her girlfriend of 3 years, she has thrown herself into work and family. And it has really helped her to recover. She has been taking the girlz for overnight stays a whole bunch. I can't believe I am saying this, but I really need time away from the girlz. Yes. I said it. Single moms need a break sometimes..And sending them to boot camp isn't an option yet. Believe me, I checked into it..

I haven't felt like myself for about 2 years because of a situation that I have been in the middle of. My dearest friend and her husband have been going through a bitter divorce and somehow I found myself square in the middle of it. I used to admire this couple as "having it all." A beautiful blended family of bio and adopted, a lovely home, hard work and Lot's of fun family activity. Then it all fell apart. I found myself supporting my friend even though it was her that wanted the divorce. I won't go into all the details, let's just say it was awful. I think I fell into the role of "the single friend with the door always open." My advice was sound and in line with the beliefs of the Church, but it was never followed. And the fall out was brutal. My dear friend lost her children in the custody fight. She lost the house as she was the one who left. Everything in that lovely home was gone. She was left to start over and recreate a life for her children. And like so many children of divorce, they had figured out the basics of the divorce and wanted nothing but to stay in the home with their dad, in the life they had always known. Instead of enjoying time in two places, the children are anxious and worrisome while with my dear friend. Throw in the boyfriend at my dear friends home, and it is a nest of confusion and worry.
It is so hard when you see someone throwing their life away. Because there is always fall out.
So recently I removed myself from the mess. It was the hardest thing I have had to do in a while. But I already feel a weight lifted. For two years I felt like an unqualified counselor who was supposed to help this person make the right decisions. Yet she didn't. So I can't do it anymore.
So that is the "heaviness" that I have been dealing with.

But there is so much goodness. I tried to get a job teaching with the DoD. I didn't get my head or hopes too far into it. They are downsizing so many bases, and truly I never wanted to teach in Germany or Japan. It was always Russia. But after the past two years, I actually wrapped my head around the fact that my dreams have to come secondary to what my daughters need and want..Russia wouldn't allow for ballet, tap, neighborhood play, chasing fireflies, end of the year pizza parties on a blanket with the kids from our block, good health care at the drop of a hat,  family at my door everyday, and the ease of life in America.

This year was a tough teaching year. And after Monday, I will share a bit about what is planned for what is coming up, but mummmmms the word as of now.

Beach-House Summer is almost here. Three teacher days and I am finished. Then I head to Florida for the most amazing time of our year. At heart, I am still a Florida girl. A girl who would drive to the beach and sit and stare when I needed a quiet place to pray. I am blessed to have that as an adult too.
The girlz really need that family time too. Most of the time Dad is with us, but we do get our private girlie time to be 3..and swim together, and stare at the horizon and watch the dolphins swim by. And float on rafts and just be quiet together. And play "balance on the noodle" in the pool. And sit on the Lanai with our computers and watch videos. And see family at our reunion. And laugh and play with cousins at Kelly and Kim's. And watch fireworks at the Naples Pier. And take so many pictures that Facebook want to kick me off..And go to Aunt Lee's and laugh like crazy with BabySnooks.And be country girlz for a while...And time for me to rededicate my life to Christ and being a better person..

(This reminds me of my 2 Little Russian Girlz)

So I promise to post more about the topics I mention before. But I want to start with this lil tidbit. I know it will offend some of you. But in a world where most families can barely afford to feed and clothe their children, does it make sense to have more than 3 or 4 kids. Is it the smartest thing to ask for money to adopt? Hmmm..Makes me wonder. And I wonder as a single mom who doesn't have the benefit of help from government. I work hard as hell and can't be a stay at home mom..Just some things to think about before I post in the future...Betcha want to hear something juicy huh?

Friday, June 15, 2012

Still in Beta Mode with the blog..Just trying to work out some lil' tidbits before I share this blog! This is another test post...

Monday, June 11, 2012

Coming Back Swinging...

I decided that with this blog, I am going to focus more on issues rather than just using it as a scrapbook. As much as I loved my old blog, I think it is important to share what is in my head..

Here is a preview of my hit list...
1) Title one education
2) Too many children
3) Government benefits

**I may offend everyone I know with these 3 topics. But it is what it is..Our society is so heavily weighed down from the fallout from each of those 3 areas..And I am going to vent about it...

Then I can tell you some cute things my girlz have been doing! And yes, they are whirly!!!

First, I want to actually have followers on this blog. So I am sending out an All Call for bloggers who are looking for a catchy  lil blog to follow.. Once I get some followers, I will post again!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Never did get a job in Russia.
Bastards don't know what they missed out on..But I still have my dreams hopes and plans..And one day my friends, we are gonna get ourselves to some place magical. Even if its right here in the good ole USA!